Thursday, August 2, 2018

ATF Gun Trafficking

The ATF, under Obama’s administration, RAN GUNS to Mexico while trying to blame local border gun shops. It didn’t work, because they forgot to consider that the cartels would find, and remove their tracking devices. This is the kind of STUPID things they did on Obama’s orders, for eight years, all the time ignoring, and DENYING the threat from Islamic terrorists, and allowing thousands of Islamic terrorists to cross our borders illegally with their “catch and release” policy, which a liberal judge forced us to return to on the PRETENSE of “being disturbed” about “separating” the illegal aliens from their children (for a time). So not they can go back to IGNORING their court dates and staying illegally, in this country. And their children WILL be released, after 20 days, and I’m sure they have a system set up for them to be reunited with their parents. Yes. They have those ubiquitous “leg devices” that are supposed to tell us where they are. But they are easy to remove, and WILL be, as these people predictably disappear into the “hinterlands.” (Captain’s Journal)

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