Thursday, August 30, 2018

Banning Gun-Control Zones

It has always amazed me how the whole idea of “gun-free zones” has survived, over the years, when it is obvious to those with INTELLIGENCE that keeping the law-abiding from bringing their guns there, even if they have “carry permits” just gives the bad guys an assurance that most law-abiding gun owners will not bring their guns there, so they can kill as many people there with their ILLEGAL guns as they want, without opposition—until the cops FINALLY arrive, with their guns. Each and EVERY “mass shooting” has happened IN a “gun-free zone.” That is an unalterable fact, though anti-gun fools try and deny it. Criminals freely tell us they SEEK OUT “gun-free zones” in which to do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure there will be no one there who is armed, and able to oppose them. Logic says that gun-free zones are dangerous places to be, schools or otherwise, because of that. Even that musical concert that was sprayed with bullets in Las Vegas was a gun-free zone, even though the shooter only entered a DIFFERENT gun-free zone, in that hotel, from which he murdered hundreds of people. There’s a special place in hell for those who KNOW that gun-free zones are dangerous for the law-abiding and still keep creating them. The blood of all those souls who have been murdered IN a gun-free zone is on their hands. (KETV)

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