Monday, August 20, 2018

They Just Want Power

“Gun control” is just the vehicle. The excuse. For politicians who merely want the power to tell you than you CAN’T have, or use a gun for self defense. I’ve said a few times, they are “against self defense.” And that might be true, to an extent. But the real thing they’re after is the POWER to tell us we can’t have, or use a gun, for ANY reason. Look at all the silly laws they get passed. Each one of them tells us that. “Gun-free zones,” for instance, tell us we CAN’T bring a gun into that “zone,” while criminals and terrorists do so, at will, in spite of the law, which they IGNORE. Registering guns, and passing background checks create a situation where they can actually “give us permission” to buy a gun, at the discretion of some nameless, faceless bureaucrat. The ability to “license” is the ability to say “no.” And that’s what they’re after. The POWER to say “yes or no” when we wish to buy the means to self defense. Then let’s look at “safe storage laws.” Laws that, again, allow some nameless, faceless bureaucrat to approve or disapprove” what we do to safely store our guns, most of which make them USELESS to us for self defense, because the “bad guy” already has his ILLEGAL gun in his hand. They don’t want to take our guns away, they want to take the POWER to say whether or not we may OWN one. (Just common sense)

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