Monday, September 18, 2017

"Poverty and Hopelessness"

That's what's at the bottom of a lot of the "gun crime." The "authorities" recognize this, but keep on making laws to make honest people defenseless. The most of the "gun violence" everywhere is committed by street gangs, many of whom RULE their areas. Even the cops, in some areas, leave them alone unless they get way "out of control, as they are wont to do, sometimes. In some places, they even DEFER to them, as if they were a LEGITIMATE organization. In Sacramento, they even want to PAY them not to kill people. Is that insane, or what? But if "poverty and hopelessness" is the impetus, why don't they go after that, rather than take guns away from HONEST people, leaving them DEFENSELESS against those who obey NO laws? Their every effort works to INCREASE gun violence, but try and convince them of that. Their minds are made up, so don't confuse them with facts. Telling them facts that don't agree with their preconceived notions is like throwing a rock at a boulder. It just bounces off without effect. (Just common sense)

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