Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Anti-Gun Baltimore Sun

They don't allow gun ads--unless they amount to five-or six-figure prices. I guess they don't care if there's enough money involved in their pockets. For many years, even when they actually had a classified section, they didn't accept ads to buy or sell guns. Why then today, do they accept ads for the Rock Island Auction Company? I guess their justification is that a gun valued at $25,000.00 or more isn't likely to be used to commit a crime, nor to defend oneself. It's a distinction without a difference. The Sun is adamantly against private gun ownership in any form--except this one (except for the armed guards that control entrance to their news building, of course). Which proves one thing--money talks. Never mind the Constitution of the United States guarantees citizens the right to own and use a gun for self defense. The Baltimore Sun (BS) apparently thinks their opinion should supersede that of the Constitution. (Baltimore Sun)

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