Monday, September 4, 2017

Imbecile Professors

I can't think of anything more STUPID than a professor wearing a bullet-proof vest to class, "because of the possibility one of his students might be carrying a gun to school for self defense against all the students who ARE carrying guns, ILLEGALLY." But that's something, in his/her "wisdom," they completely ignore. They think they're "making a statement" by doing so. And they're right. They're hollering out loud, "I'm STUPID!" They really think that, because getting a legal gun is difficult, they are safe from all the ILLEGAL guns already hidden on the students. In reality, if students LEGALLY owning and carrying a gun are there, it will be a lot safer for them if one of those students carrying an ILLEGAL gun decides to shoot the place up. That legally-armed student can quickly put a couple in the head of that shooter before he/she can kill that professor. This is something he/she completely ignores in his/her IGNORANCE. (Bearing Arms)

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