Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tale of Two Women

One still alive, one dead. The one who is dead was told by the "authorities" there was a fifteen-day waiting period to buy a gun after her ex-husband threatened her life. She accepted that and her ex murdered her the next day, beating her to death, along with her son, who tried to intervene. The second woman took action, buying a high-powered stun gun. Her ex came calling the next day, thinking he'd beat her to death. But it wasn't to be. When he backhanded her the first time, she took out her stun gun and zapped him for two full seconds. He fell to the ground, writhing and gibbering. He was still "out of it" when the police arrived a few minutes later. He tried to file assault charges on her, but the police weren't buying. He went to prison for a long time.

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