Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chuckie Schumer Wants to Disarm All Veterans

The government enlisted these people and trained them in how to use guns and other military equipment. Now Chuckie Schumer wants to deny them the right to have guns at home. But another Senator disagrees: "Senator Tom Coburn isn't going to go away quietly. As you know from previous GOA alerts, the Republican Senator from Oklahoma has placed a hold on the noxious legislation that is being pushed by Senator Chuck Schumer of New York. Because of his actions, the Veterans Disarmament Act (HR 2640 and S 2084) has been stalled in the Senate for a few weeks. But not content to remain silent, Sen. Coburn sent a pointed letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs, asking them to justify their actions. Coburn states in his letter that the Veterans Affairs continues to send the names of "approximately 1,000 additional veterans" to the Department of Justice every month. According to the Congressional Research Service, Coburn says, this has resulted in 'approximately 140,000 Veterans' being added into the NICS background check system. 'This situation is concerning to me,' he continues, 'as the vast majority of these veterans have committed no crime.' Coburn correctly notes that if these veterans should continue to own a firearm, they could 'unknowingly be in violation' of federal law." If we can't trust these people, as civilians, to own guns, how could we ever trust them as soldiers? This is so typical of the ignorant laws people like Chuckie Schumer want to pass. We should have a way of getting rid of such idiots from congress, even if we don't live in his state. (GOA, 10/18/07)

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