Monday, October 8, 2007

Missing College Girls

MISSING COLLEGE GIRLS I recently Googled "missing college girls" and got 13,700,000 hits. That means to me this is a huge and growing problem. I wonder how many college girls could have escaped becoming a "missing college girl" if she had been in possession of a powerful stun gun disguised as something else? Most men who think they can do such a thing as kidnapping a college girl, for whatever reason, do so because in most cases college girls are easy to kidnap. If more were able to carry guns for self-defense, that number would go down precipitously. But the government will not allow honest and reliable people to carry guns while criminals, whose entire reason for living is to break the law, can get a gun easily out of the trunk of somebody's car, illegally (laws will never stop criminals from obtaining guns). But the government is not going to come to its senses soon and allow innocent people to carry guns for their own safety so they must depend on a non-lethal defense mechanism such as a stun gun or pepper spray. Once in a great while you'll find a man upon whom these devices will not work. But the vast number of men can be instantly, and temporarily disabled by their use so the intended victim can get away and, in some cases, call the police. Those who can withstand the high-voltage stun guns or hot pepper sprays will still be surprised and give the intended victim time to get away. Another factor that needs repeating: only about 17% of criminal attacks are done with guns. Most criminals depend on intimidation.

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