Thursday, March 29, 2018

Gun Control Trivia

There are many cases of gun control ignorance. These are some of them. It doesn't make any difference that "bump stocks" are being banned. Inventive people will have them, anyway. You can 3D print them, and they are now making a "bump stock" for a Glock handgun. And I expect there will soon be even more out there as more and more inventive people design and make new ones. Yes, they will be illegal. But what "bad guy" cares? They just get them illegally. And there are plenty of people willing, and able to make them, illegal, or not. The stories about anti-gun fools showing up at anti-gun events with ARMED security are numerous, too. Now we hear of Ellen DeGeneris showing up at an anti-gun rally with SIX armed bodyguards. At an anti-GUN rally! And, of course, whenever a major (or often a minor) politician shows up, they will have a bunch of armed people surrounding them. Politicians are using any and all excuses to take away the gun rights of as many people as they can. In one city, getting a traffic ticket can cause you to lose your gun rights; and in some other places, if your marriage is in trouble and you see a marriage counselor, THAT will get your guns taken away. Seek help for ANY "mental problem," or just a "behavioral problem," and THAT loses you your gun rights in some places. And this trend is spreading, rapidly, because they seem to be getting away with it. (Just common sense)

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