Friday, March 16, 2018

Conning Frightened Students

The anti-gun fools are busy right now conning frightened students who were afraid for their lives in Broward County, Florida, telling them that the way to self defense is to DISARM yourself, and everybody else who obeys laws, while ignoring those who do NOT. The laws they come up with NEVER work, but they keep pushing them, every way they can, And those young boys and girls, who know NOTHING on their own (they haven't been alive long enough) believe them as they brainwash them. Liberals marvel at how "eloquent" and self-assured they are in speaking out, never letting on just how much they have been ":prepared" for what they're saying, by their parents and school "authorities." One such spokesman is the son of a former FBI agent, while it is well known that the FBI is one of the most outspoken supporters of gun control. They still think that lawbreakers will somehow obey their laws, while they obey no others. That shows complete ignorance, but they are "tone deaf" when you try and convince them of the illogic of passing laws that lawbreakers will NOT obey. (Gateway Pundit)

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