Monday, March 19, 2018

Flailing and Failing

That's what the anti-gun fools are doing. Within MINUTES after the shooter in Florida pulled his first trigger, they were insisting on more of the same laws that have done NOTHING to stop "gun violence." Why would they do that unless they were too ignorant to do anything else? They just can't understand that none of their laws works worth a damn. They just keep doing the same things, over and over again, hoping for a different result, which is the very DEFINITION of insanity. George Bush (the elder) got a law called, "The Gun-Free Schools Act" passed, and signed, designed to stop school shootings. Linked here is a list of school shootings (probably incomplete) SINCE that law was passed. But do the anti-gun fools take note of that? Not a chance. They aren't smart enough. "You figure that after 15 events, even the most dense in the Gun Control community have to start thinking that maybe the Gun Free Zones are not working and maybe we should rethink the whole scheme." But NO! They're not listening, as usual. It doesn't fit their false narrative. Why these people are so "tone deaf" to reality, I can't figure. I can only assume they just want to be able to tell others they can't be armed for self defense. It's a matter of POWER. (Gun Free Zone)

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