Friday, October 16, 2015

Shootings Breed Shootings

In auto racing, it's a known fact that yellow flags “breed yellow flags.” It's almost a guarantee. You can have an accident-free race for hundreds of laps, then, BANG! A car hits another, or the wall, and a yellow flag ensues. Then another quickly follows. The same is true of “mass shootings.” One mass shooting will ”breed” another. That one will breed yet another, and soon you have an epidemic of mass shootings. There are usually “red flags” unknowingly “sent up” by the potential shooter, but they are routinely IGNORED, until they start shooting up a place. Then it's too late. The “gun-grabbers” trot out their USELESS GUN LAWS that never work the way they're intended and call for more of them to be made. They all happen in “gun-free zones,” but tell me how many SUCCESSFUL mass shootings have happened anywhere else? It doesn't matter if they're done with legally-registered guns because all registering them do is (maybe) help them find the shooter AFTER his victims are dead. One guy TRIED a shooting in a gun store and ended up with more lead in him than one man could carry.

Gun-free zones NEVER keep people who want to do “gun crime” out of places that are so posted. Those bent on mass murder never worry about violating a piddling gun law. The cops are usually no help at all, and can only get there (usually) AFTER the killing is done, to “document” the crime. An armed person THERE at the time of the crime is the ONLY ANSWER, as they found out in that Colorado springs, Colorado church shooting where one small FEMALE who was a legal carrier was there worshiping, and shot the shooter before he could kill more than one or two people. They CALLED HER a “security guard,” but that was only after the fact. She was a worshiper in the church who happened to be armed. So the pastor ASKED her to ACT as a “security guard” while she was there. She was NOT hired” as a security guard. The upshot of it is, that ONE ARMED PERSON on the scene stopped yet another mass killing in a place where the shooter expected to be a “gun-free zone,” just as I have been saying, all along. I hate to say, “I told ya so,” but “I told ya so.” (CNN)

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