Saturday, October 24, 2015

Anti-Gun Fallacies

The whole “anti-gun” movement is built on several fallacies, the first of them is the illusion that making LAWS against gun ownership will stop criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists from getting guns. They'll just do what they always do—buy them illegally, or just steal them. Another fallacy is the idea that if guns are removed from the legal world, there will be a lot fewer guns sold. That's true, but only for LEGAL guns. The traffic in ILLEGAL guns will not only continue apace, it will INCREASE, since there will be no other way to get them. They always forget the ILLEGAL arms trade in their fanciful thinking. This is no doubt due to their complete INCOMPETENCE in their jobs. The kind of laws they are making today will NEVER stop, or even slow down, gun violence. But you'll never convince them of that. They're convinced of their own adequacy. Their minds are made up, so don't confuse them with facts. I really get tired of repeating this over and over, but that's the only way to get to those smart enough to realize the truth of what I say. (Grudco)

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