Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Only On the "Frontier"

Utah is still considered to be “on the frontier” because they still think (for the most part) like they did in “the old West.” That the best defense is an offense,” and having guns is the best solution to being shot and killed by people who don’t obey “gun laws.”  “With one tragic shooting incident after the other, people all over the country are realizing that those willing to inflict harm on innocents are willing to attack the most vulnerable of places. Politicians, law enforcement, school officials and parents nationwide debate how to best protect schools from the unthinkable. In Weber County, officials are already responding by inviting teachers to participate in a unique class to not only get their concealed carry permit, but to also be prepared for an active shooter incident in their school. Utah is one of a handful of states that allow loaded firearms on school property with a concealed carry permit -- as long as the firearm remains on the employee's person and not in their desk, purse or jacket.” (Standard-Examiner)

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