Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hard As A Rock

That describes the heads of the anti-gun fools who treat it almost as a RELIGION. They stick to their narrative in spite of clear evidence it's wrong, and won’t even HEAR anything to oppose it. They call those who do “trolls” and just ignore them. “Anti Gunners have absolute faith in The Narrative. They won’t deviate or even consider for a second that there might be something wrong with it. It is like the Papal Infallibility taken to the extreme.” But they are CLEARLY wrong because their answer is ALWAYS to try and keep guns out of the hands of EVERYBODY and succeed only in keeping them out of the hands of honest people who OBEY laws but not CRIMINALS, who do NOT. There is no way to change their minds. It’s their RELIGION and they’re the “faithful.” Their heads are “rock hard” on the subject. They’re not amenable to logic. (Gun Free Zone)

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