Tuesday, April 8, 2014

LuckyTo Be Alive

A shooter who walked into a police station and started shooting was shot several times by other cops. But he’s still alive, and lucky to be so. Most would-be mass shooters go where they can be pretty sure there won’t be anybody there with their own guns and well able to do something about him. But like that fool in Indianapolis last year who tried to shoot up a GUN STORE, he now resembles a wedge of Swiss cheese. Obviously it’s not a good idea to try and shoot up a police station. They don’t yet know where he got his gun, but I’ll bet none of the existing anti-gun laws would have stopped this incident from happening. There was no metal detector there, as the cops didn’t think this was a very violent place. But even if there were plenty of guns there, it was a “gun-free zone” for civilians. (Just common sense)

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