Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Trooper Tasers Driver for Refusing to Sign Ticket

Seems to be a little bit of overreaction and lack of training in how, and WHY to use his taser on a citizen. Refusing to sign a ticket while demanding your rights isn't one of the reasons. Seems to me he could have simply arrested this man and put him in the back seat of his car. As I watched the video, I saw him attempt neither. The man was NOT "threatening" him. He was, in fact, walking away from him. Seems to me this trooper needs a lot more training in how to make a proper judgment call. But then, some policemen think ANY resistance to their demands calls for violence. Fortunately, most don't. This is a good example of the improper use of a taser. Nobody, not even a policeman, should ever use a taser on someone who is not threatening them. Carrying one is not illegal in most states, and using them in self-defense is not, either. But using one in an offensive manner could be construed as a felony assault. Hitting someone with your fist without provocation could also be felonious assault. Put simply, these are not toys, and should never be used in an irresponsible manner. (Salt Lake Tribune, 11/21/07)

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