This story is about cops who tasered a man who was resisting them, then they beat the hell out of him. What does the media concentrate on? He was "tasered." Did it occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe, he died from the beating they gave him and being tasered was the least of his troubles? People who do not have pre-existing medical conditions or are not being severely beaten do not usually die from being tasered. Especially from the ones usually sold for personal use. But I'd think a man with a known precondition ought not to place himself in a position to be tasered. No, I don't think cops are "overdoing" it. Not yet. Because being "tasered," while painful, is a lot easier on the body than is a severe beating. I would personally rather be tasered by a cop than beaten to death. Notice that even the news media (which is prone to blaming tasers) are even asking if the beating, rather than the taser had anything to do with this man's death. If someone attacks me, I'm going to use my taser (as I have in the past). I'm not worried about killing anybody, just from the tasering. (Globe & Mail, 11/24/07)