Thursday, September 6, 2018

Kavanaugh's "Extreme Beliefs"

Liberals call his view that the Second Amendment should be enforced as such “extreme views on guns.” Since when is obeying the constitution “extreme?” They say his views are “right out of the gun lobby’s playbook,” and why shouldn’t they be, since the “gun lobby” is only lobbying for the law to be enforced, and the Constitution to be followed? They say his views will allow domestic violence offenders to have guns, which they will NOT. Domestic violence offenders soon become felons, and then are not allowed guns, UNDER the Constitution. Meanwhile, real “common sense gun laws” would allow his intended VICTIM to be armed, so as to defend herself against him. He’d probably get a gun illegally, anyway, which is very easy for those who don’t care about obeying the law. that’s something the anti-gun fools never consider. In Denver recently, one woman violated the “waiting period” laws and bought a gun illegally. Which was a good thing because she soon had to use that gun to keep from being KILLED by that ex boyfriend. I’m not sure what happened to her after that, but a short stint in prison for having a gun illegally is a lot better than DEAD. Liberals are afraid he’s going to get rid of Roe V. Wade, too. Another short-sighted decision by a liberal dominated Supreme Court years ago that resulted in MILLIONS of deaths of innocent children, still in the womb (and sometimes OUT of the womb). Liberals are afraid of him because they KNOW he will go BY the Constitution and the law, not their cherished liberal scams. (Think)

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