Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Anti-Gun Fools Celebrate

New YORK Governor Cuomo has cost the NRA tens of millions of dollars, and that has threatened their very existence—according to a court filing recently, anyway. Cuomo “offers thoughts and prayers” to the NRA as if he wasn’t responsible for threatening the very existence of an organization that promotes COMMON SENSE in approaching the “gun crime problem.” The things people like Cuomo propose certainly don’t. Not a single one of their highly touted laws had done ONE THING to reduce gun violence. Many of the things the NRA has done, HAVE. But fools like Cuomo don’t realize that, Their one concern is the foolishness they CALL “gun safety laws” that do no such thing. Sending thoughts and prayers is the same snarky thing the anti-gun fools always do when another of their fool laws does NOT stop a fool with an ILLEGAL gun from killing a law-abiding American who is DISARMED by their laws and has no defense. “Don’t send money,” added one fool, “thoughts and prayers should suffice.” Then Cuomo said, l’ll see ya in court.” Then laughed as he went into his lavish office. (NY Post)

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