Monday, June 18, 2018

Ho, Hum, Nothing New

Several political outfits have come together to propose "new" gun laws. The liberal media touts that, saying they have "come together to find new ways to stop gun violence!" One little problem: what they propose are the same tired, old, laws and regulations that didn't work the first time they tried them. Or the second, or the third. ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Those organizations include the American MEDICAL Association, the Police Executive Research Foundation (whatever THAT is), and the Conference of Mayors (USCM). The USCM said, "A constitutional right to bear arms doesn't exist," which is totally a LIE. They also said, "The Second Amendment is an Anachronism," which is also a LIE. The Constitution is still very much the very BASIS for ALL our laws, and the Second Amendment is as much in effect as ever. For them to say that as an organization of elected officials tells me a lot about how they think, and that scares the hell out of me. It tells me they think ONLY law enforcement, and government should have guns, so they can do just what they want, without opposition from the law-abiding. That these laws IGNORE the NON-law-abiding also disturbs me, because that tells me they want, besides the cops and government agents, the lawbreakers to be armed, while honest people should not. So we're defenseless, not only against criminals, but the government, as well. (NRA-ILA)

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