Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Cuz Anti-Gun Fools Lie

It's hard to win the "good guy with a gun" theory because the anti-gun fools lie, and make excuses, "cherry-picking" stories to "prove" the good guy with a gun theory is a myth. They pick stories like the guy in the waffle house shooting who attacked the shooter, but without a gun, and the story about those Oklahoma heroes being "part of government" to dismiss that story. Never mind that they were NOT "law-enforcement," and were simply bystanders at the time. There are MILLIONS of stories of a "good guy with a gun" stopping illegal shootings, but they IGNORE those, as if they didn't exist. Which they don't, in the minds of the anti-gun fools. They work as hard as they can to keep such stories from ever becoming national news, so the average citizen won't realize there are so many. And, in too many cases, they are successful. They just can't answer the "good guy with a gun" story truthfully, so they try to cover it up, and deny it. And if that fails, call us names. (Gun Free Zone)

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