Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why Is "Gun Control" Failing?

That’s a question asked in an article in the Business Insider article recently, that is obviously pro-“gun control.” So I’m not going to link it here. You’ll have to Google it yourself if you want to read it. But (not having read it myself) I suspect it contains nothing new. But the real answer is that current (and past) efforts at “gun control” are aimed at the wrong target. They’re aimed at disarming HONEST, reliable people while doing NOTHING to keep criminals from getting their guns ILLEGALLY. There are many laws that COULD reduce gun violence already on the books, involving harsher sentences for USE of a gun in the commission of a crime. But they are largely used as “bargaining chips” and are dropped, to get convictions in other crimes. This is not the direction in which we should be going. We need to encourage the ability of honest, reliable people to be able to own and carry the means to their own protection, since the cops can’t protect them—and they will be the first to say it. But the anti-gun fools use scare tactics, saying that if everybody could carry a gun there’d be “High Noon” type shootouts every day over trifles. But that’s a foolish notion. Responsible people don’t “shoot it out” over a fender-bender, no matter how much they insist they would. If they ever get their laws aimed in the right direction, I’d be the FIRST to support them. (Just common sense)

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