Thursday, July 3, 2014

Gun Buybacks Are Stupid

They are done by incompetent politicians who think the people who USE guns in crime will go there and “give up” their guns. They don’t Only honest people who have guns they don’t need go there. A few criminals might “turn in” some old, rusty, useless guns and take the money to go out and buy a new gun from that guy in the allwy selling them out of the trunk of his car. All they do is make ignorant people who can’t see through the charade that those politicians are “doing something” against gun violence. They aren’t. They’re just running a “dog and pony show” to make themselves look good to the rubes. If politicians want REALLY do something, they’ll make laws to make USING a gun in a crime more costly to the criminals, and banning using those charges as “bargaining chips” to get convictions in other crimes. If these incompetent politicians ever wake up, I’ll be surprised. (Miami Herald)

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