Monday, June 23, 2014

"Jim Crow Gun Law" Repealed

The cat’s out of the bag! Many gun laws were made by DEMOCRATS to keep guns out of the hands of blacks (PC Police, go to hell--I said blacks!). “Last week, lawmakers in North Carolina voted to abolish a Jim Crow era gun law that required gun owners in Durham County to register their guns with the county. Jim Crow gun laws like this one are a reminder of the racist roots of gun control — something liberals and gun grabbers don’t want you know about. Many state and county gun laws that are still in effect today were originally passed to keep guns out of the hands of blacks.” It’s all part of the effort to “change history” and convince the country that the REPUBLICANS are the racists when the REAL racists are DEMOCRATS. It’s a little-known fact (FACT, not opinion) that the chief opponent to the Civil Rights Act were DEMOCRATS In Congress, many of whom were members, some even founders and top officers of Ku Klux Clan (KKK). I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were among the ‘night riders” who burned out blacks and hung them, for nothing more than being black. (Mississippi Gun News)

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