Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bloomberg's Henchwomen Lie Again

They say a “good guy with a gun” has NEVER stopped a crime. Funny how liberals tell easily discredited lies and insist they’re truth. What I’m about to tell you about is just ONE instance I could list to discredit what they say: In the St. Louis area, two felons tried to kidnap a young girl and were shot by her father. One died, the other went to ICU. Is this “evidence” that NO licensed gun carrier has EVER stopped a crime from being committed? Not even. It’s just ONE incident proving Bloomberg’s minions are LIARS. I could list all of them, but there isn’t enough computer space available to me to do it. I just don’t understand the thinking of people like Bloomberg, who think they can LIE with impunity if it serves their goals. (Bob Owens)

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