Monday, November 11, 2013

Sue the Hero

This is a travesty. “A disturbing but telling story is playing out in Pennsylvania. Two men robbed a local store, but were killed by a private citizen who confronted them before they could get away. Now the families of the criminals want to sue the man who stopped a crime, because he killed their loved ones.” And they’ll probably win. Or the lawyers will settle and they'll have to pay (and they will be robbed again, this time by the law). With all the liberal judges in this country, it’s possible for the families of robbers and murderers who are killed while committing their crimes to win massive judgments against the heroes who kill their relatives while they were committing crimes, This should NOT be allowed. There should be a law made STOPPING such suits from ever seeing the light of day. Such people should NOT have the right to drag the hero who stopped their relatives from victimizing others into court to even have to spend the money and take the TIME to DEFEND against such an atrocity. The very EXISTENCE of such a possibility creates a “chilling effect” AGAINST such people rising to defend others. (Eagle Rising)

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