Saturday, November 16, 2013

Politifact Disputes Cruz

Ted Cruz said Obama prosecuted gun crimes less often than did Obama and they disputed that. They said he “cherry-picked” the facts to prove his case. But if you picked ANY year between 2002 and 2008 you’d find better figures than in 2012 with Obama. But Politifact themselves “cherry-picked” figures. Cruz used those put out by Transactional Records Action Clearinghouse (TRAC), which used figures from all gun-involved incidents while where gun charges were the lead charges. Politifact used those from the Justice Department, that included charges involving guns in ALL the charges. Slight difference, but made it LOOK like Cruz was lying. Typical liberal anti-gun scam. Cruz’s point was that Obama is more concerned with making NEW laws to further limit our right to be armed while not enforcing (or selectively enforcing) those already on the books. Thus “changing the subject” while not really disputing his word. His point was correct. They routinely use illegal possession of guns as a “throwaway” charge to get convictions in other cries instead of enforcing them. (The Washington Times)

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