Saturday, December 5, 2009

CSU Is Stupid!

Colorado State University recently voted to become a "gun-free campus." Basically telling those who want to come there and shoot people, "Come on and shoot us. There will be no unexpected guns here and you will not be shot. We're completely unprotected, except for uniformed campus police officers, most of whom have never fired their guns outside of a shooting range, and which you can identify from a long ways away. We're protecting ourselves by DISARMING ourselves. How stupid is THAT? Anti-gun freaks really think the way to self-defense is to DISARM us. The only UNsuccessful mass shooting I know of is one where there was one parishioner in a church in Colorado Springs, Colorado when a man came in shooting, and she shot him, cutting his shooting spree short after only two deaths. They CALLED her a "part-time security guard," but she was simply a worshipper who was encouraged to bring her gun to services. It is only her presence, with her gun, that stopped the shooter from creating a much bigger death toll. But this kind of thing is lost on the anti-gun freaks. (Just common sense)

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