Did you know that in most states you can carry a gun without any kind of a license as long as it is openly carried? Although you will be accosted by police officers who will try and intimidate you, and irrational citizens who are just "afraid of guns," if you stand your ground and carry a copy of the law that allows it, there's nothing they can do. Private property owners, however, have the right, however irrational, to ban guns on their property (such as "Blockbuster." Who does.). The Los Angeles Time had a story about it recently. Below is my answer: " I think there are way too many people out there who are irrational about guns. It is not "guns" that hurt people; it is the people who USE them wrongly that hurt people. I have a blog called, "The Unarmed Citizen" on Blogspot to talk about such things and discuss other means of self defense WITHOUT the guns our government will not allow us to have and use for self-defense. Their idea is that self-defense is best accomplished by DISarming ourselves and allowing the illegally armed criminals to have a steady stream of unarmed victims." One question "anti-gun zealots" will not (cannot) answer is this: Do "anti-gun laws" reduce violent crime where they exist?" The answer is no. But they'll never admit it, so they just call me names (such as "gun-lover") to avoid answering it. Do "looser" gun laws reduce violent crime? Yes. But that's another one they will not, cannot answer. I was even accosted once by a cop who suggested that the metal flashlight in my pocket could be considered a weapon. I laughed and said, "Sure, if I ever use it to attack someone. We can discuss it then. He laughed and turned away. Fortunately, he wasn't serious and I remained friendly. (Los Angeles Times)
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great read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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