I used to carry a metal flashlight called "The Mag-Lite"® as part of my equipment back when I was a security officer. It served as an excellent flashlight to help me see in places where the light was low. But also, it served as an excellent "nightstick" if needed. One night as I "walked my post," I encountered a man trying to break into my building. He immediately attacked me, no doubt being of the "oft-repeated" criminal opinion that "rent-a-cops ain't nothin'." But he found out different as I drove the back end of the Mag Light into his throat. He immediately went down, out cold, trying hard to breathe, as I had crushed his larynx. I "cuffed him" and called the police, who came and took him away. Anybody could have done that, and Mag Lights are not illegal to carry (I DID take a course once in "nightstick management," which came in handy this time, as this makes an excellent "nightstick"). I once encountered a policeman in a convenience store in civilian clothes while carrying a 2-cell in my back pocket. He said, "You know, that flashlight could be considered a weapon." I grinned at him and said, "But it's not, unless I use it as an attack weapon. If I ever do, we can discuss it then." He laughed and turned away. My favorite of their line is the 2-cell. It's plenty big enough and CAN be carried in the back pocket. It is NOT a "deadly weapon" unless used to ATTACK someone. If used in self defense, it is not. The smaller ones can be used if you have some knowledge of unarmed self defense. Think about it. (Mag LIte®)
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