Thursday, January 10, 2008

Typical Anti-Gun Crazy Response

A Virginia Tech Ambulance
In the days following the massacre at Virginia Tech, I predicted that anti-gun crazies would be falling all over themselves to use this tragedy to further their own agenda. "BELLEVUE, WA – Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine has fallen back on one of the oldest, and most shoddy, tactics in the gun grabber playbook by using the Virginia Tech tragedy to launch an attack on gun shows, when the crime had nothing to do with gun shows, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. 'Neither of the guns used by Virginia Tech killer Seung-Hui Cho was purchased at a gun show,' noted CCRKBA Legislative Liaison Joe Waldron. 'Attacking some mythical gun show loophole will do nothing to prevent criminals from getting their hands on guns illegally, because it has been shown statistically that criminals rarely get firearms at such shows.” But Kaine, being a typical gun-hating politician, uses this tragedy to promote his own agenda, to make sure people like the victims at Virginia Tech never have their own guns to use to kill this madman before he can kill them. The whole point is, if just one of his victims had been armed and willing to use the gun in self-defense, the death toll at Va. Tech would have been a lot smaller. Even a stun gun might have helped in the right situation, especially if he didn't expect it. The point these people always miss is that criminals never have a problem getting their guns because they don't care about obeying the law. In this case, if anybody had cared to follow the law, he'd have been arrested when he tried to buy his first gun because he was known "head case" (But nobody bothered to put his name in the right database). Does this governor really think laws would have stopped this massacre? If he does, he's not smart enough to be a governor. (CCRKBA, 1/9/08)

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