Sunday, January 6, 2008

Taser Parties

Debi McMahon, right, celebrates with her
Taser C2 at a Taser party in Mesa, Ariz.

Leave it to the women. Some recognize the efficacy of Tasers in self-defense, others do not. Apparently, those in Amnesty International don't agree. They think ANYTHING that has the POSSIBILITY of being used offensively should not be allowed to the "average person," lest they use it wrongly. I disagree strongly (Apparently, they're "anti-self-defense fanatics." I wonder what they'd do if confronted by an illegally-armed criminal.). The "average person" ought to be allowed to carry a gun, and carry it concealed, so that the criminals, who all are carrying ILLEGAL concealed weapons of some kind, and who "intend to use them wrongly," will not have plenty of "easy targets." They will have no way of knowing which are, and which are not "easy targets," and cannot find out the answer until it is too late (That's what makes "zappers" work for long enough for the intended victim to get away). As Robert Heinlein said, "An armed society is a polite society." I agree with that woman in the article. I'd rather be illegally Tasered by a criminal than shot. But there is no way I think that to be able to defend yourself, you should be DISarmed. Yes, there is a small danger that criminals might adopt these items as offensive weapons, just as they have done with guns. But that's no reason to deny them to honest people who will then have no means of self-defense. Yes, cops do sometimes overdo their use of Tasers, and some overdo their use of guns or even their fists or batons. Some people can overdo it with anything. There are "bad apples" anywhere. I think "Taser Parties" are a great idea. I may try it myself. There are many "zappers" selling for a lot less money than those. Some as low as $20. They're lower-powered, but with enough power (80,000 volts) to do the job without killing somebody. I can personally attest that they do the job, from personal experience. (Fox News, 1/6/08)

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