Thursday, February 14, 2019

Mexico Murders 5 Times Higher

Mexico doesn’t have a Second Amendment. Which means the only way to get a gun if you don’t work for the government, or don’t have “political pull,” is to get it ILLEGALLY. According to the anti-gun fools, they should have a crime-free society, right? WRONG! Mexico’s murder rate alone is FIVE TIMES that of the United States. If you were intelligent, that would tell you something. But the anti-gun fools apparently aren’t too bright, because they either don’t notice, or they deny the fact that it us an important thing. Mexico, like most backward countries, has very tight anti-gun laws, way ahead of those in America. But predictably, they do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun violence,” and only make it easier for those with illegal guns to victimize the law-abiding. I get very tired of pointing this out to the anti-gun fools, while they go on, in their “blissful ignorance,” making more and more USELESS LAWS that do NOTHING to stop “gun violence,” just like in Mexico. (Mexico News Daily)

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