Monday, July 16, 2018

Telling the Difference

In Chicago, how do you tell the difference between a gang killing an a cop killing? The direction in which the bullets are going, maybe? The cops killed a man who was fleeing and reaching for a gun. That makes no difference, I suppose, to the “citizens” who are protesting that. What are the cops supposed to do? Wait until he gets his gun out and aimed at a cop before they “cancel his check?” As many of the very people who are protesting themselves are likely involved in shootings of other citizens, it’s a wonder they have time to protest. They deny the guy had a gun, but you take ANY gathering of people in certain parts of Chicago, and a majority of them will have guns in their pockets, needing cleaning after they killed somebody. And this guy DID have a gun and was reaching for it. Meanwhile, Rahm Emanuel and his gang make more and more anti-gun laws for them to ignore while they kill each other on purpose, and innocent people by accident, while trying to kill those they aim at. Nobody seems to notice that their anti-gun laws just make it easier for those who ignore them to victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey their laws. (Hey, Jackass!)

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