Thursday, February 22, 2018

Failure Upon Failure

The very people who FAILED to stop numerous mass shootings, and simple armed robberies and murders now want us to believe they "know better" as the debate on "gun control" goes on, and on. The anti-gun fools have made, or caused to be made, numerous "gun laws" that have FAILED to stop, or even slow down those who wish to obtain a gun or guns for nefarious purposes. Yet they pretend to know what's best for us. They refuse to even CONSIDER arming many teachers and/or other school staff to there would be armed people THERE in the school when a mass shooter started killing students. The very fact that the killer cannot know WHICH teachers will be armed, and ready to shoot him before he can kill any more children is a PREVENTATIVE. He will go to other places where the "no gun policy" is still in force and leave those schools alone. No gun zones, which ALL schools are today, are an "engraved invitation" to would-be killers because they can be pretty sure there will be nobody there who is legally armed. That's one of the basic flaws in their thinking. I have been preaching this for a long time, but those fools aren't listening. They think they know better. Their minds are made up, and will not allow facts to get in their way. We need to find better minds to work on the problem. They say armed teachers "might" go crazy and BECOME mass shooters if they had a gun to use. By that reasoning, any police officer or other armed official "might" go crazy and start killing people. so what's the difference? (Just common sense)

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