As in George Orwell's prophetic novel, "1984," a date that
was supposed to be far in the future when it was written, the
government "Information Services" tell you that simply,
"bad is good, and good is bad," and expect you to believe
it. Now the New
York Times" is
doing just that with a recent pronouncement that, "Without gun
control, we would be like Soviet Russia," when, in fact, just
the opposite is true. If all of us (except the lawbreakers, of
course) were disarmed,
what would there be to stop "government officials" from
just what they wanted to do with all of us, on whatever excuse they
make up? (As they're even now doing with ANY evidence of "oddity"
on the part of a gun owner, even a traffic ticket, in some places)
The truth is, there are certain LEGAL requirements for a person being
declared "mentally ill," not just the unsupported word of a
"government agent" or a politician. The Times
is now preaching that very thing with this article. (New York Times)
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Irrational Gun Fright
A WWE star, no less, found a gun in his rental car, and was "afraid
for his life." Like the gun was a living thing, and would shoot
him without anybody touching it, This is completely irrational
thinking, which is rife among gun-haters, nationwide. This big, bad,
wrestling star was frightened at the very sight of a gun, though it
might be said (by some people, anyway) that he had good reason to be
with "Black Lives Matter" spreading the lies that cops
automatically want to kill a black man within
reach of a gun. But he did the right thing. He called the cops and
explained things. they came and got the gun, and praised him for his
proper action. Not nearly like the BLM fools think.
The cops told him that they find guns in rental cars, all the time.
So his finding one was not unusual, or surprising. The point here is,
he was frightened by that gun as a result of the LIES told by the BLM
fools, who spread fear among people who are gullible enough to listen
to them. (TMX Sports)
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
We "Promise" Protection
Liberals like to blame Trump, or the NRA for the mass shooting at
that Florida
Anything but the REAL reason.
But the real blame belongs right in Obama's pocket, because he came
up with the "Promise"
caused juvenile criminals to NOT be arrested for their "minor"
crimes, Therefore,
their names would NOT appear on the background
check lists the "authorities" use to determine who will
have the right to buy a gun. So people like the Florida killer would
be able to easily pass such background checks and buy the guns hey
will use to kill a bunch of children LEGALLY, as Cruz did. Even after
39 visits by the cops, the MURDERS of many pets, and PUBLISHING, on
his social media sites, his INTENTION to kill people. Not only that,
the FBI got a DETAILED account
of his activities that scared the hell out of me, but caused the FBI
to do NOTHING. His "Promise"
Program began in Chicago, and we know how successful
it was there. Yet it spread, and is being used in several places in
the country, INCLUDING Florida. Yet nobody in the anti-gun fool camp
will blame that program. Instead, they blame their favorite "whipping
boy," the NRA, or their most recent
"whipping boy," President Trump. Ignorance, personified.
(The Last Refuge)
Like A Horror Movie
You've seen horror movies where the "monster" keeps getting
killed, and keeps "coming back," time after time? It's the
same way with gun control. We keep killing it, and it keeps coming
back. But this time, I think it's really dead, with the advent of 3D
printing being able to "print" a working gun that can kill
you. The government has attempted to stop online instructions for
making 3D printed guns, but they have nonetheless proliferated. There
are now "clubs" whose members work HARD to perfect
them and come up with new designs that are more and more stable
and dependable.
The government might be able to censor that on the Internet, but they
can't stop people from gathering to continue to do so, and make them
ever better and dependable.
The government hates this technology because the "bad guys"
can use it for doing ill. But
isn't that true of real guns?
How about fire? Can they ban fire by law?
The bad guys never have a problem getting guns, as witness the
MILLIONS of illegal guns now out there, against
which the law-abiding NEED a defense, but which the government wants
to deny us. I guess they'd rather we DIE than have a means of self
defense--just because the bad guys can use it, too. Short sighted
thinking and ignorance on their part. (Bearing Arms)
Monday, February 26, 2018
Selective News "Reporting"
CNN made a big thing of USING frightened teenagers who survived the
Florida school killings in Broward County Because they think that can
feed their silly narrative to get rid of the Second Amendment, along
with every LEGAL gun in this country. That this would leave the users
of ILLEGAL guns still in possession of their guns to use to victimize
the law-abiding doesn't seem to bother them. Meanwhile, they never
hold a "forum" for the mothers and fathers of the victims
of gang killings in Chicago, where the gun laws are so tight, and
stop NO gun killings. I guess they aren't interested in promoting the
TRUTH. The truth is, NONE of their highly touted "gun laws"
do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun violence." They want
to not only IGNORE that, they want to HIDE it from the view of people
who pay only peripheral attention to the news. You know, they people
who ignorantly support those useless laws.
truth, again, is that in every city controlled by liberals (who are
all anti-gun fools), the number of gun killings remains HIGH. But
they don't want you to know that. (CNS News)
Missing the Point
As usual, the anti-gun fools miss the point, entirely. After an ex
USAF man murdered two dozen people in a Texas church, the military
has rushed to add 4,000 dishonorably discharged airmen to the "no-gun
list." As if those who wish to kill a bunch of innocent people
even NOTICE that their names are on a "no-gun list" when
they go out to get the guns they use to kill them. Yes, the Air Force
screwed up when they didn't add this killer's name to such a list,
which "contributed" to the problem. But do people not right
in the head
ever consider such things? Why don't they look into the mental
problems those people have? Why don't they give them the help
they may need? Why don't they keep better track of what they're
doing? Seems this killer was "wide open" when he bought his
guns and stole others. Did they even NOTICE? They, like most anti-gun
fools, just blame the guns, thinking such people even BOTHER to obey
their silly anti-gun laws. There are so many other things they can do
to stop these people from killing innocent people, but they
concentrate on something that has a "track record" of NOT
Friday, February 23, 2018
"Police Will Protect You"
"So turn in your guns." Yeah, right! They did a masterful
job in that Florida school shooting. How about Scot
Peterson, the armed cop on duty at that school who went and hid when
he should have been killing that evil kid?
Ask the victims of other mass shootings who died in the first 3
minutes while it took the cops 7 minutes to get there with their guns
(Oh, you can't. They're dead).
Sometimes the cops can't even protect themselves. Just ask the cops
in Colorado and elsewhere, who died at the hands of an ILLEGALLY
armed criminal
(Can't ask them, either).
The cops themselves will be the first to tell you that they CAN'T be
everywhere at once and stop all crime. At least, the ones "in
the trenches" will. Not the "police politicians" at
the top, many of whom have never BEEN "in the trenches,"
and swallow that anti-gun fool horse droppings.
That the cops can, and will protect you in all cases is one of the
worst fairy tales told by the anti-gun fools, while they're stripping
you of the means to self defense while keeping it (often) for
themselves. The amount of STUPIDITY there is in those anti-gun fools
is breathtaking!
They continue to blithely push for the passage of USELESS,
INEFFECTIVE laws that only get people killed by DISARMING the
law-biding, using stupid, silly excuses like, "If everybody has
a gun they'd be killing each other all the time." Many people DO
have ILLEGAL guns, and even THEY don't always go about killing people
over trifles--unless they're street gang members who have to kill
somebody for initiation into their gang. (WPTV)
Stay Out of Police states
Like NY, NJ, CA, etc., if you want to carry your legally-owned and
carried gun in your home state. They'll arrest you, fine you,
sometimes JAIL you, even if your gun is properly stored for travel.
They don't care about you. They'll let you just "rot in jail"
forever, if they can. "In any state dominated by Dumocrats (like
NY), gun-owners, local and out-of-state, will be mercilessly
harassed, even thrown in jail, at every opportunity, and based on the
most feeble of excuses. Cynical Democrats calculate that gun-owners
don’t vote for them anyway, so they have nothing to lose in
singling us out for punishment. That is their long-standing “agenda.”
So a "police state" is any state whose government is
dominated by Dumocrats, who hate the very idea of ANY private
citizens being able to carry a gun, much like it is in Russia, In
Russian there is noway to get, or LEGALLY carry a gun unless you're a
government employee.
TSA doesn't care, either. They'll "fink" on you to the
locals. and the locals will finish your harassment. And if you have a
job that does not allow people with arrest records (wherever they may
be) to be employed, say "bye-bye" to your job, right along
with your freedom. Be ready for a long stay in that "police
state." I live in Colorado, which is such a state, so I can't
get a gun, even though, at my age, I'm regarded as an "easy
target" by thugs who want to mug people and rob, sometimes kill
them. (AmmoLand)
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Failure Upon Failure
The very people who FAILED to stop numerous mass shootings, and
simple armed robberies and murders now want us to believe they "know
better" as the debate on "gun control"
goes on, and on. The anti-gun fools have made, or caused to be made,
numerous "gun laws" that have FAILED to stop, or even slow
down those who wish to obtain a gun or guns for nefarious purposes.
Yet they pretend to know what's best for us. They refuse to even
CONSIDER arming many teachers and/or other school staff to there
would be armed people THERE in the school when a mass shooter started
killing students. The very fact that the killer cannot know WHICH
teachers will be armed, and ready to shoot him
before he can kill any more children is a PREVENTATIVE. He will go to
other places where the "no gun policy" is still in force
and leave those schools alone. No gun zones, which ALL schools are
today, are an "engraved invitation" to would-be killers
because they can be pretty sure there will be nobody there who is
legally armed. That's one of the basic flaws in their thinking. I
have been preaching this for a long time, but those fools aren't
listening. They think they know better. Their minds are made up, and
will not allow facts to get
in their way.
We need to find better minds to work on the problem. They
say armed teachers "might" go crazy and BECOME mass
shooters if they had a gun to use. By that reasoning, any police
officer or other armed official "might" go crazy and start
killing people.
so what's the difference?
(Just common sense)
Slandeing the NRA
Liberals hate the NRA almost as much as they hate Trump. Now they're
trying valiantly to push their false narrative about the Russians
"colluding" with Trump to get him elected. They SAY that
Russia contributed a lot of money to
"cleaned" through the NRA to the Trump campaign, hoping to
put into question every dollar the NRA contributed. Of course, they
can't prove it, but that's true of everything else in the push to
convince America that Trump is "an unfit president." Now
they're saying the NRA is "sounding more like the Russian kind
of propaganda" than a simple anti-gun outfit. They talk about a
fictional Russian push for "gun rights," which we all know
is impossible, since Russia has no Second Amendment, and having a gun
in Russia is a prison offense. Non-government people in Russia are
just not allowed guns, period.
Which, as in America, does nothing to stop Russian crooks from
getting their guns.
And there is no "NRA style" organization there BECAUSE
there is no Second Amendment. In Russia, members of such an
organization would be jailed, for long terms
in a gulag, if caught.
They talk about a Russian, who is a "life member" of the
NRA, who met with Trump, Jr., trying to arrange
a meeting with Trump. Of course, they don't say whether or not it was
successful, since
it was obviously not, only
that it was TRIED.
Innuendo and unprovable lies. That's all we hear. (NY Daily News)
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Trump's "Listening Meeting"
Trump held a gathering that included survivors of the Broward County
school massacre and everybody there demanded he "do something"
to keep things like that from happening. Only problem is, nobody but
the anti-gun fools and their dupes (which included most, if not all
the students) had any idea WHAT to do. And all they could come up
with was the old, tired ideas that
have never worked,
and they KNOW they never worked. Others had no idea what to do, but
they insisted they do SOMETHING. I'm sorry for what they lost, but what doesn't work doesn't work. I hear a lot about universal
background checks, which MIGHT allow
the cops to find the shooter AFTER he has killed a bunch of people
(IF he in fact stood for one),
but does NOTHING to STOP such shootings. The Shooter in Florida had
his gun or guns ILLEGALLY. Which means he violated many laws in
obtaining them. Nobody knows how he got his gun or guns, or if they
do, they aren't talking. But the world is FULL of stories about
shooters who PASSED a background check because up to that time they
had not committed a crime. The killer inn Las Vegas DID pass a background check because he had no record. So either he passes one, or doesn't. And
that has never even slowed down a man who wants to commit mass murder
and often himself does not expect to survive. When they're out to
commit mass murder, they just don't care about a piddling little law
that says they can't be armed. They'll find a way. (Just common
Today We're Insane!
Shannon Watts' husband says "concealed carriers have a mental
condition." They're really
getting desperate, folks! Yesterday, we were racists/white
supremacists, and anything else
They have nothing else, so they say we're racist and insane! If you
ask me, the
insanity and racism is on their side.
They have to know everything they do is unconstitutional,
but they don't care. They want to disarm all America, at whatever
cost. Calling us racist, or insane is all part of their not being
able to push through MOST of their silly little laws that don't work,
anyway. Shannon thinks they are winning because they "scored"
a few successes. But if you don't "cherry pick," and look
at ALL their actions, MOST of them fail. Like their "gatherings"
of anti-gun fools that are supposed to convince the rest of us we
have no chance, at which few, in any people show up. Then there are
all the bills they sponsor that never become law. And the fact that
NONE of their laws and "regulations" do ANYTHING to stop
gun violence and, instead, INCREASE it, by disarming honest,
law-abiding Americans so they're "easy targets" for those
who obey NO laws.
They also say we're paranoid.
But you're not paranoid if there are
ILLEGALLY armed thugs out there who want to rob and/or
kill you--and there are. There are
MILLIONS of illegal guns out there in the hands of thugs, everywhere.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The Epitome of "Political"
The Dumocrats and other liberals have been very successful at damming
up criticism of their ignorant policies by saying their protestations
"are not political" while those of the NRA or the
Republicans ARE. They are continuing that in sending 100 or so
Broward county school students to Tallahassee to lobby for gun
control. These kids, who haven't been on this Earth long enough to
know anything on their own have been brainwashed by liberals and
anti-gun fools to really believe
that the way to self defense is to DISARM yourself. I saw a picture
on TV of a large bus that has been chartered to take those 100
students to Tallahassee to lobby lawmakers in favor of their gun
control pipe-dreams.
Which makes me wonder: who PAID for that charter? Certainly not the
students. It is painfully obvious they were paid for by the anti-gun
fools who have been working overtime to brainwash them ever since the
shooting that scared
them to death. Their main student spokesman, for instance, is the son
of a former FBI man, and the FBI is at the forefront
of the anti-gun fool movement.
Liberals have been marveling at how "eloquent" he has been.
Actually, it's not surprising. They've been working HARD to prepare
him by drilling their talking points into him, every hour, of every
How many other parents are
anti-gun fools? How many added to the other brainwashing efforts?
They claim that what we do IS "political," while what those
kids do is NOT. Which is a LIE. Anybody with any intelligence KNOWS
it's a lie. But they get away with the lie. (Just common sense)
Shannon Watts Is Deluded
She recently put out a statement, extolling all the gains her "MOMS
Against Guns"
(or something like that)
has "scored" in over
coming the Second Amendment that GUARANTEES our right to be armed for
self defense.
She talked about the number of states
that have passed gun control measures, and how much they have reduced
gun violence. Of course, she ignores the fact that MOST of the gun
control initiatives have FAILED, because nobody but the "intelligence
impaired" want them. She says, "If Hillary had been
elected, gun control would benefit," and she's right. Thank God
for Donald Trump! She also ignores the fact that every gun control
law they have passed has
done NOTHING to ":stem gun violence." That's a fact that
can't be ignored, but she ignores it. She says gun violence has been
INCREASING lately, forgetting that MOST of the "gun violence"
was committed by people who ignore her laws. Making those laws is
FUTILE because the law-abiding aren't the ones who commit the crimes.
Talk about "cherry picking facts!" She not only does it for
others, she does it for herself.
What she's doing doesn't work, but
she didn't get the memo. (Pop Sugar)
Monday, February 19, 2018
They Can't Get It Right
It pains me that our politicians (for the most part) just can't get
it right. Every time there is a major "gun crime" or just a
weekend in Chicago, they whine and scream for more gun control. Never
mind that none of their "gun control laws" do ANYTHING to
"stem gun crime," and, instead, CONTRIBUTE to it by
disarming the law-abiding, making them "easy targets" for
those who don't OBEY those useless laws. They have to know those laws
work worth a damn if they have any intelligence, at all.
either they don't, or just PRETEND they don't.Faithfully enforcing some of the laws we already have would help. One
such is the laws in some places that add more time to the sentences
of thugs who use guns in their crimes. Those
charges are commonly DROPPED to get confessions in other crimes. That
smacks of lazy police work. Taking the "easy road."
Now one
big contributor is saying, "No
more money without an assault weapons ban!" How stupid is that?
Assault weapons are
used in such a small number of "gun crimes" as to make
their figures unnoticeable. Yet they "focus in" on them, as
if they were a major problem. And still criminals get them easily
from their ILLEGAL sources in a back alley somewhere. High school
students are telling the politicians they want more "gun laws."
Yes, they were "at risk" at that Broward County,
Florida school. But
they've been listening to the anti-gun fools and
buying their bullsh-t. They don't know any better. Tell me; is
there ONE existing gun law that would have prevented ANY of the
school shootings?
Anti-gun fools won't answer that question. They can't. So they just
call me names and slander the NRA. which is all about gun safety and
the Second Amendment GUARANTEE of the RIGHT to be armed for self
Gun Violence: Terrorism?
That's what liberals are saying now. "Gun violence is a form of
terrorism." Not a chance! Terrorism is killing innocent people
for one reason: to promote an idea. Gun violence in the USA doesn't
fall under that umbrella. Criminal gun violence is usually to take
away from people, that which they've EARNED. Something the government
does so well.
Trying to equate gun violence with terrorism is typical Dumocrat scam
to make more of it than it is, and frighten people into supporting
their silly gun laws. Gun violence, most of which is committed by
people who IGNORE their highly touted "gun laws," would not
be stopped by their useless gun laws, and never have
the law-abiding would obey them, and they are not the problem, as a
rule. What kind of logic leads to such an assumption, I don't know.
But liberals (Dumocrats) have no logic. They even claim that there IS
no such thing as logic OR reason, so they don't have to use it.
Real logic tells us that the
way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself.
Criminals aren't worried about the law-abiding "going after"
them, so we don't have to convince them that we are not a threat to
them, which is the government's excuse when they wish to disarm this
nation. And ALL their laws DEPEND on LAWBREAKERS to, somehow, OBEY
their laws when they obey no others. (ANJRPC)
Friday, February 16, 2018
"Back In the Fifties"
People are noting that, back in the fifties we didn't
have news of mass shootings and major gun crimes every day like we do
now. They ask, "Why not then?" What, they ask, did we do
differently back then that we don't do now. They ask the question,
but they don't want to hear the answer. The answer is, we didn't have
the ubiquitous
anti-gun laws we have now.
The law-abiding weren't as defenseless.
You could buy a gun anywhere, in "big box stores,"
small "Mom and Pop
hardware stores, and even in some corner drug stores (where they sold
almost everything),
by unfettered mail order.
They didn't have people trying to ERASE the very KNOWLEDGE of
the existence of
guns from everybody's memory. 200 years ago there were not ANY
"school shootings" of students and teachers because the
kids brought their guns to school WITH them, in case they saw a
squirrel they could shoot to add to the dinner table
on the way to or from school. Anybody
who came in wanting to shoot up the place would soon resemble "Swiss
What we've done is take as many guns as we could AWAY
from the law abiding, leaving the field open to those who IGNORE all
those silly, stupid, "gun laws." And crime has predictably
grown, right along with the tightening gun laws. The key to reducing
mass shootings and other "gun crime" is to give their guns
back to the law-abiding
and let them start killing those who obey NO laws. let alone
laws that say they can't use a gun in doing their
crimes. But they don't want to hear that. They cringe
in horror at the very mention of letting the law abiding be armed for
self defense. They continue to make their silly anti-gun laws that
CREATE opportunities for the bad guys. Go to ANY liberal-run city
with tight gun laws, and they will predictably have high "gun
crime" stats. That's
a given. But
liberals will not recognize it, and the carnage continues.
The article linked here
was written a few years ago,
but it makes some pertinent points that are still relevant,
today. (National Review)
Thank God for the NRA!
Hillary and her henchmen are now claiming that, "If not for the
NRA, Hillary would now be president. "Let’s face the facts.
Without the NRA Hillary would be President and Schumer would be the
leading the Senate. The Supreme Court would be backed with young gun
grabbing justices. The record number of judges DJ Trump has had
appointed would be all to the left of
(WAY to the left).
Imagine the 9th Circuit Court being the norm for the country as a
Not only that, that mad woman, Nancy Preelosi would
again be the Majority Leader in the
House, and, between her and Chuckie, they would be able to forever
block ALL legislation Trump suggests. Soon we would be a socialist
country, with the government STEALING a large part of the fruits of
the production of new wealth produced by those willing and able to
PRODUCE new wealth. And forget about your
right to be armed for self defense. Dumocrats have tried everything
in their power during the last 8 years to disarm
law-abiding America,
and with Hillary in the White House, they would no doubt be able to
"git 'er done." Of course, there's no proof that the NRA
had ANYTHING to do with her loss,
except to contribute money to conservative candidates and run a few
ads, which they have the right to do.
as there's no proof for her other imaginary
plot, the "Russian connection." But that has never stopped
the Dumocrats from promoting a lie before. (AmmoLand)
Thursday, February 15, 2018
It's Not the Answer!
Immediately after (or
maybe during) the school shooting in Broward County, Florida, the
anti-gun fools came out of the woodwork demanding more and more gun
control--as if that would do ANYTHING to stop such people from doing
their dirty work. Gabby Giffords
and Diane Feinstein, both well-known anti-gun fools, were among them,
completely unrelated anti-gun laws that would have done NOTHING to
stop such
atrocities. Giffords speaks confidently about "peace and
safety," as if her misguided laws would have done ANYTHING to
have stopped this killer.
Broward CountySchools specifically ban ALL weapons that could be used
to defend their students against such shooters, including stun guns,
which are not normally a deadly weapon. But did their "rules"
do ANYTHING to stop this atrocity from happening? Predictably, NO.
But does that stop them from making those rules? NO. They apparently
don't have the INTELLIGENCE to figure that out for themselves, and
they won't listen to "wiser heads." They never answer the
questions I ask, and continue to make these USELESS laws, patting
themselves on the back, while killers still get their guns, easily.
Anything BUT "Sensible"
The anti-gun fools describe all their efforts to disarm Americans as
"sensible," but they are ANYTHING BUT sensible. They don't
work worth a damn. But they keep imposing new, ineffective, and
sometimes unenforceable laws and regulations, while "gun crime"
continues, and INCREASES.
They're all unconstitutional because they are all INFRINGEMENTS on
our right to be armed for self defense.
Their laws and regulations only cause gun violence to succeed,
because they DISARM the very VICTIMS of gun crime, which is usually
accomplished by use of guns that are ILLEGALLY owned. No amount of
"background checks" will work, because they're only applied
to LEGAL gun buyers, not the CRIMINALS, who get their guns illegally,
or just STEAL them. Disarming their potential victims only makes it
easier for those criminals to victimize
them, at will. The new "bumpstock bans" that are "in
fashion" now by
anti-gun fools are just as ineffective in stopping gun violence,
because those who want to use them WILL get them, illegally. You
cannot defend yourself by DISARMING yourself. That's something the
anti-gun fools have never learned, and never WILL learn, in their
(Bearing Arms)
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
I'm Getting Sick of It!
Every time a mass shooting occurs, MINUTES later the anti-gun fools
are blaming the guns, and demanding more and more of their USELESS
gun laws to be made. Laws that do NOTHING to put an end to these
things. Today I'm watching news coverage of the Broward County,
Florida school shooting, in which supposedly (we don't know yet
at this writing, since I'm writing this while events arre still
large numbers of people have been killed or injured when a "troubled"
former student came in and started shooting at everybody in sight.
One local politician was heard to whine about a recent bill to stop
TERRORISTS from being able to buy guns being voted down, as if that
was something that would have stopped this former student from
shooting up that school.
Of course, he ignores the fact that
terrorists don't obey ANY laws, so what good would this law do even
if the shooter was a terrorist, instead of a "troubled
ex-student?" Of course, they're
going to blame the guns. They're making a "big thing" about
this kid being "obsessed with guns," as if that had
anything to do with it. It is obvious that he is mentally disturbed,
and was KNOWN to be. One student even said so on live TV. If he was
that well known to be a troublemaker, why wasn't somebody doing
something about it? The anti-gun fools always look in the wrong
direction whenever something like this happens, and insist that their
actions are doing something to reduce gun violence, which they are
NOT. Maybe one day they will "wise up" and look in the
RIGHT direction and actually get something done. But I don't look for
it to happen soon, since these people just aren't too bright.
(Fox News)
What's Happening to Us?
Before Columbine, we didn't hear much about mass shootings, let alone
school shootings. But now we almost hear about such things on a
weekly, sometimes daily basis. Why is that? What has happened in our
society that has caused the proliferation of such things happening?
Anti-gun fools will say it is the "availability of guns,"
but that's patently WRONG. It's not guns. It is the MINDSET of a
human being that causes him to go into a school and kill a bunch of
CHILDREN. In Las Vegas recently, it wasn't even school students. The
shooter there was a rich man, and he opened up on a concert with
multiple guns, and might have even had help. We don't know much about
that, because LV "authorities" seem to be covering it up,
for some reason, even to the medical examiner releasing a phony
autopsy report on the shooter, after refusing
to release it at all, previously, even defying a court order. But
what changed in our society after
Columbine? What drives unstable people to murder innocent CHILDREN?
need to find out the answer to that question, or we're going to have
a lot more such shootings, in schools, and elsewhere.
It's not legal access to guns. They are becoming less and less easy
to buy every day, while easy access to ILLEGAL guns is still
rife--which we will never change by making new laws. But they need to
find the MENTAL key to the THINKING that leads them to commit such
atrocities. (Just common sense)
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Shutting Down 60 Minutes
recently ran a 20 minute segment on national reciprocity that was
patently an anti-gun propaganda piece, and soon were handed their
heads by people a little smarter than they
One of the more obvious drawbacks is the identity of the person who
was asked to comment on the Second Amendment.
It was a staffer for "MOMS Against Guns (or something like
that)." Could they be more obvious? She told them that the
Second only covered
owning guns AT HOME, and didn't mean being able to carry guns on your
person OUTSIDE the home. WRONG! The Second says we have the
unalienable right
to be armed for SELF DEFENSE. It says NOTHING about WHERE we can be
armed for self defense. And do they think the need for self defense
is diminished OUTSIDE
the home? One wag said that, where he worked, if everybody carried a
loaded gun it would be only a couple of months before somebody got
shot. A thought that shows a depth of
IGNORANCE that is an abomination. If the people he works with hate
each other so much, they don't need guns to kill each other. The
response was so COMPLETELY negative it "gob-smacked" the
producers and directors.
(Liberty Park Press)
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