Sunday, November 22, 2015

Best Gun Salesman Ever

Barack Hussein Obama. It's a distinction he wishes he didn't have. But everything he does to limit gun sales in America seems to have the effect of doing just the opposite. He hates that, but he doesn't know how to reverse the trend, so he keeps on doing the things that sell guns, hoping that will change. One of the things he will NOT accept is that his every effort to make Americans defenseless against criminals and our enemies just is NOT working. That he is working AGAINST the interests of a MAJORITY of Americans just doesn't dawn on him. He isn't that intelligent. He's stupid, in fact. It's a good thing we have the first amendment, or I'd be in prison for saying that. You know, telling the truth, when he doesn't like it. He's trying to make telling the truth about Muslims against the law, as a starter, but he's having a hard time of it, since we DO have that pesky First Amendment. He also hates the Second Amendment, which stops him from just BANNING guns, and he thinks that's awful! (Second Amendment Insider)

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