Tuesday, February 19, 2008

. . .And Again

Families Gather at Victims' Funeral
Again a crazed gunman has taken a gun into a "gun-free zone" at Northern Illinois University and killed a lot of people, including himself. The "gun-free zones" fallacy has claimed some more victims. This again proves my thesis that just ONE PERSON there who had his own gun and wasn't afraid to use it could have cut the death toll by putting a couple into his head before he could kill that many people. People such as this Sun-Times columnist are already trying to further limit the constitutional right of people to carry the means to self-defense. He says, "I've already been hearing from those who would use the NIU incident as a jumping-off point to either place more restrictions on gun ownership or to allow gun owners to carry their weapons in public. I'm anti-gun, so the conceal-and-carry crowd can save its breath for some other columnist. More guns is not the answer. I don't care what your study says." In other words, he doesn't care about the truth. More guns ARE the answer. I don't care what your gut tells you. The fact is, if this shooter had faced ONE GUN he didn't know about in advance, he would be history after killing fewer people. That's fact. He can't refute it with logic or reason. If someone had sneaked up behind him and hit him with a stun gun, he'd be in jail and many of his victims would be alive. THAT'S fact, and irrefutable with his kind of "reason." One gun in tha hands of a small lady at the church in Colorado Springs, Colorado made this kind of difference by shooting a man who had walked in and started shooting up the congregation. Only a few were killed, not the many he had planned on killing. The key here was that he did not know an armed person was there. And that armed person, in a CHURCH, fergawd'ssake, did not "go on a rampage" herself, just because she had a legal gun. Letting criminals and crazies loike this know a certain area with a lot of people in it KNOW there are no guns there is STUPID! It's like an INVITATION to someone like this shooter to "come on in and kill us." He IS right that something should be done to improve reporting on the "crazies" who live among us so guys like this shooter have a harder time getting their guns. Unfortunately, if he can't get it legally, he'll buy it out of the trunk of a car in "lower downtown" So that's not the answer. The only SURE answer is a legal gun there to meet him. His answer is to sell more NIU caps and make more money out of it or put in a "Peace Center." All of which are nice things to do, but do nothing to solve the problem.

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