Thursday, September 19, 2019

What's Wrong With Them?

I just can’t figure out why so many people are so stupid about guns. Every time some fool rushes out to kill a bunch of people, they jump right out and demand more law-abiding people be disarmed. They don’t seem to understand that you don’t disarm yourself in the face of danger. You arm yourself and prepare to fight. I don’t think these people are stupid. I think they have an ulterior motive in disarming the populace. They want a disarmed populace so they (the politicians) can do with them, what they wish, without opposition. They can’t be so stupid as to believe that the way to self defense is to make yourself defenseless while the “bad guys” continue to get their guns illegally and use them to victimize those law-abiding people who obey those silly, stupid laws. Their purpose is to destroy the very concept of self defense. The proof is those cases where the people who use their legal guns to oppose the criminals get in trouble for doing so. Hitler disarmed his people, then murdered millions. So did Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Many other dictators did so, as well, and the result is always millions of dead. It that what they’re after? They call their silly laws “common sense gun laws,” when they’re anything but. (Just common sense)

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