Friday, June 29, 2018

So Many Stupid People!

Every time some fool kills a bunch of people, no matter what he uses to get the job done, the anti-gun fools are INSTANTLY out in force demanding more of their useless gun laws that do NOTHING to stop such outrages. Why can't they understand a simple thing, that their laws are USELESS? They have to be aware of that. But they still insist on making more and more of them, trampling the Constitution in the process, and getting even more innocent people killed. There's a simple "cure" for such mass shooters, and that is a law-abiding person in that crowd with his/her own gun, the training and will to use it, who can END the quest to kill as many people as possible. A "slip of a girl" in a Colorado Springs church proved that when a gunman came into the church where she was worshiping. The pastor had told her to keep her gun in the church, just in case of trouble (a wise man, that). So she did. And when a fool came shooting, she was able to "wing him," convincing him his quest was over. So he killed himself after killing only TWO worshipers inside that church. They CALLED her a "security guard," but she was just a worshiper who VOLUNTEERED to act as one in case of trouble. The anti-gun fools ignore such things, and tell us if the law-abiding were allowed to carry guns, THEY would "go nuts" and "shoot up the landscape." That's STUPID, but that's their position, for some strange reason or other. (Truth or Fiction)

It Always Is

This story says, "this time" the tragedy is because of the failure of gun control" because a convicted felon killed four children, shot a cop, and then killed himself. With a gun. How did he get that gun? He got it ILLEGALLY, that's how. because, as a felon, there's NO WAY he could have obtained one legally. And, of course, a judge treated him with "kid gloves" when he violated his parole previously and he was given "supervised parole" instead of being sent back to jail for six months. The anti-gun crowd will either ignore the reality that the rules failed yet again or will simply think more rules will somehow make it all better. It will NOT. You won't read much about this in the liberal media because it does not fit their narrative toward gun control. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't an "old story." The anti-gun fools always jump on stories like this as an excuse to make even more of their USELESS, ineffective laws that do nothing to stop such things. Then they insult those who are trying to introduce REASON into the discussion, calling such outfits as the NRA "terrorists" because they don't agree with their stupid "laws" that get law-abiding people killed by disarming them in the face of a threat from ILLEGALLY armed people. (Bearing Arms)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Another Mass Shooting

Another excuse for the anti-gun fools to demand more and more of their useless, ineffective gun laws that do NOTHING to stop such things. This one happened in a newspaper office in the Annapolis, MD area. Of course it hasn't been said whether or not the shooter got his guns legally or illegally, or if he had done anything to prohibit him from owning a gun, but that doesn't make any difference. Legal guns or illegal guns, the laws didn't do a thing to stop this occurrence. If there had been one or more guns already in the building, in the hands of someone trained in their use, they could have limited the number of innocent deaths--but no, the anti-gun fools are "tone deaf" to such things while their laws and regulations get more and more people killed by making them DEFENSELESS against such people. The ONE THING that could have made a difference, these short-sighted people reject, out of hand. Such action can only mean that they aren't interested in safety or protection, but in making all citizens DEFENSELESS and eliminating self defense as an issue. (6 ABC)

Listening To the Children

That crappy little kid (David Hogg) who thinks he knows it all (like most kids) made his speech to the "Conference of Mayors" in Philadelphia and they voted to enact more and more of the useless, ineffective anti-gun laws that, so far, have done NOTHING to alleviate the "gun crime" problem. They called for steps to PREVENT teachers and other staff from being armed--something that WOULD cause would-be mass shooters to pause in their thinking, among other silly, STUPID measures that will get even more students and staff killed. David Hogg is reveling in the attention he is getting, while being treated like a "rock star" by the anti-gun fools that are sponsoring, and paying for, his incessant campaign to do stupid things that will not work--as usual. The basic problem is that the people who pretend to be "concerned" with our safety are NOT. They are more concerned with being able to tell us what to do. With getting, and keeping, the POWER to do so. And punish us if we disagree. the NRA is doing nothing but defending our Second Amendment rights, and they vilify them, calling them "terrorists" and other vile names, for being "on the other side" of the question. (Politico)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ignorant Damned Protesters!

I had to laugh when I saw the ignorant fool who actually tried to stop a bus carrying illegal aliens with his body. The bus driver should have driven slowly away, and he would have given way because he doesn't want to be killed for his stupidity. They have no idea they're protesting Trump doing the EXACT same thing about illegal aliens that their "idol" Obama did, with not a peep out of them. If they had said a word then, I might have a little sympathy for their position, now. All this is because Trump wants simply to control our borders and enforce the LAW. They're too ignorant to know better, and they show it by their actions. They buy the liberal BS, swallowing it whole cloth, and make fools of themselves, going places in buses paid for by liberal elites to make trouble for people who are only trying to make things better for everybody. And they don't even know they are DUPES supporting something that opposes something that doesn't exist. You can always depend on a crowd forming to support liberal stupidity because the liberals "whip them up" and pay for the transportation to get them there--like they're doing with that teenage bigmouth, David Hogg (a very descriptive name). (Daily Caller)

Whoa! An Intelligent Politician!

Steve Scalise, the politician who was shot, and almost killed while practicing for a baseball game with other politicians, is still a pro-gun advocate. Instead of having the same "knee-jerk reaction" other politicians have when somebody gets shot, he reminds us that guns aren't JUST for killing good people. they are for DEFENSE. He notes that his life was saved that fateful day, by people with guns who were "on the scene." Never mind they were cops, ASSIGNED there as security. What if they had not been there, and nobody there had been armed and able to "take down" the shooter? Scalise would be dead, along with many others. He was asked if his stance on guns would cost him some votes, he replied, "Not at all." He knows there are more people who realize the anti-gun laws now in effect not only DO NOT stop, or even slow down "gun violence," they INCREASE it, by disarming the law-abiding, making them "easy targets" for people who VIOLATE them, and use them for ill. What we need to do is elect many more such politicians, and get rid of the ignorant ones who think they can magically erase "gun violence" by taking away our constitutionally-guaranteed right to own and use the means to self-defense, a gun. Note that this story is run in the Guardian. That's because it isn't likely to be reported in the liberal American media. (Guardian)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Why Can't They Learn?

The anti-gun fools never learn from experience. They have a single goal: to disarm all Americans not connected with the government in some way so as to make them defenseless against all comers, including the government, itself, criminals (a repetition, there), crazies, and Islamic terrorists, who have PROMISED to kill as many of us as they can, any way they can. They think the way to self defense is to make yourself defenseless. Every day there are stories that prove their every theory wrong, but they ignore them, while the liberal media won't run them. Gun-Free Zones, for instance: imprisoned mass killers freely tell us that they TARGET "gun-free zones" in which to do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure there will not be any guns there to oppose them (unless there are some other criminals there, who ignore those things). Backgrounds don't work either, because people who contemplate mass murder, or even simply robbery, get their guns ILLEGALLY, and never stand for background checks. Meanwhile, most of the mass killers so far have been people with no previous criminal records, and thus are not prohibited from buying, owning, and using guns. So what the hell GOOD are background checks? The same is true of each and every one of their ideas--they just DON'T WORK. So why don't they wake up to reality and try something else? I don't think they're smart enough, or they have an ulterior motive. (Just common sense)

Cuz Anti-Gun Fools Lie

It's hard to win the "good guy with a gun" theory because the anti-gun fools lie, and make excuses, "cherry-picking" stories to "prove" the good guy with a gun theory is a myth. They pick stories like the guy in the waffle house shooting who attacked the shooter, but without a gun, and the story about those Oklahoma heroes being "part of government" to dismiss that story. Never mind that they were NOT "law-enforcement," and were simply bystanders at the time. There are MILLIONS of stories of a "good guy with a gun" stopping illegal shootings, but they IGNORE those, as if they didn't exist. Which they don't, in the minds of the anti-gun fools. They work as hard as they can to keep such stories from ever becoming national news, so the average citizen won't realize there are so many. And, in too many cases, they are successful. They just can't answer the "good guy with a gun" story truthfully, so they try to cover it up, and deny it. And if that fails, call us names. (Gun Free Zone)

Monday, June 25, 2018

Phony Shooting Stories

"Cops kill black men 21 times more often than white men.” That’s the narrative. But those figures aren’t even CLOSE to being accurate It's a made-up figure that has been accepted by the liberal media without question. Many police departments don’t even publish numbers about the occurrence of cops shooting people, nor do they separate them into black or white, male or female, which tends to twist the figures in favor of the idea that cops shoot blacks way too often. Neither do they keep track of how many black men shoot cops. They also say, “And as often as not, the black males are unarmed.” But that’s not true, either. “Research” by the “Violence Policy Center,” (a known anti-gun fool outfit) only “proves” they are incompetent shooters. Yes, there are exceptions. But, they are few. Anti-gun fools "cherry pick" things from each shooting to make them SEEM to support their moronic rhetoric. (Just common sense)

But Will They Tell You?

There's a new Texas student group that is AGAINST gun control, but will you hear about it in the liberal media? Not likely, because that doesn't fit the narrative they are pushing. The liberal media WANTS gun control for some stupid reason, and the anti-gun fools push HARD to get their silly, INEFFECTIVE gun laws enacted. And there are way too many stupid lawmakers in office, who are willing to pass them, even though their passage INCREASES "gun violence by disarming the law-abiding, making them "easy targets" for the lawbreakers, who routinely violate them and carry their illegally-owned guns anyway, so they can victimize the law-abiding, who are unarmed. The anti-gun fools have been using the Parkland School students ever since the shooting in their school, to promote their stupid ideas. Bloomberg actually took out a full page ad in the newspaper in Texas, that published their "letter to the governor" telling him "not to pander to the gun lobby." The Texas kids also wrote him a letter, telling him that. while they didn't have the money to buy a full page ad, they wanted him to "do the right thing." Will you hear about this in the liberal media? Probably not. Or not much. (Bearing Arms)

Friday, June 22, 2018

Hogg Has Armed Security

Teenage anti-gun fool big mouth David Hogg realizes what we all realize, and that having armed security (either yourself, or paid thugs) is a good thing, with all the ILLEGAL guns out there. So when he walks around, it is with a bunch of gun-toting thugs surrounding him, as it is with most anti-gun fools. And. like most anti-gun fools, he has no idea of the contradiction that entails. He just wants to be safe, while denying that right to the rest of us. He will probably end up a politician, because he is good at that kind of blather and double-dealing. Nobody seems to notice when anti-gun fools such as Sen. Feinstein not only hire armed security, but carry their own guns, as well, while working HARD to deny the rest of us the same right. The question in my mind is, who is PAYING for his gun-toting thugs? The anti-gun fools who are using him for their own purposes? How many teenagers do you know who can afford to pay for their own armed security? (Twitter)

Stupid Politicians

Anti-gun laws never work. Anti-gun politicians have to know that. so why do they keep on insisting on making more and more of them? Whenever some fool decides to shoot up a place, especially a school, their "knee-jerk" response is to demand that more of their ineffective laws be made, while ignoring the fact that those laws make it easier for the bad guys to victimize the law-biding, who DO obey their silly, stupid laws. Why do they never learn from their mistakes? Are they STUPID, or what? No, I don't believe they're stupid. I believe they plan on coming for what is ours in the future, and don't want to run into a gun in the hand of the citizen they plan on robbing. That's the only explanation I can come up with to explain their evident stupidity. It's not stupidity, it's pre-planning. The only thing politicians do in DC is spend money. So, even if they aren't the crooked kind who want the money for themselves, they want it for the government, and the same thing applies. They don't want a gun in the hand of their victim. (North Jersey)

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

No Posts Tomorrow

Tomorrow's the day I go in for cardiac surgery. They tell me they usually only keep you for four hours, but every once in a while you have to stay overnight. So I'm going to be ready for anything. It's minor surgery, but you never know.

Kids Gang Up On Dad

This mother had a restraining order out against her estranged husband, because he had been violent toward her. Which, of course, did NOTHING to stop him from attacking her again. Much like gun laws do nothing to stop bad guys from getting guns. But in this case, he didn't count on their kids. When he began beating their mom again, they stood up for her. The 8-year-old daughter actually jumped up and hit him in the face, which would have earned her her own beating, if not for the boy, 5, who brought her mother a gun, which she used to strop his attack. Now some liberals would lose it over this child knowing where the gun was. They would like kids to be unaware guns even exist. But if you show them where, and teach them about guns, while telling them to not touch them to play with them, they'd be less likely to do so. It's curiosity about the unknown that drives them to play with the guns.  In this case, the boy not only knew where it was, he actually brought it to her when she most needed it. She used it on her husband (not fatally), and stopped his attack, most likely saving her own life in the process. All because her kids know about the gun, and how and when to use it. (Bearing Arms)

Election Craziness

It amazes me what some politicians think will get them elected. And it pains me to know that, often they're right. In Colorado, one politician is touting his "beating the NRA--twice." Another is proudly saying he "stopped Trump." As if that's something to be proud of. Another stands proudly with Obama, Bill Clinton, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg. There are way too many of them "standing tall" for gun control, which will do nothing but get people killed by disarming the law-abiding and making them "easy targets" for criminals, who IGNORE their laws. Another brags that he was "the only conservative to support Trump's tax cuts." As if that made him a hero or something, for supporting something that benefited millions of people. Others tout their OPPOSITION to Trump, while Trump works hard to make things better for all Americans by reversing the disastrous liberal policies fostered by Obama. Liberals must have a mental disease, because they can't seem to see the contractions between their policies and reality. And the anti-gun fools? They're just STUPID if they can't see that NONE of their laws do a single thing to "stem gun violence," as they claim they will. (Breitbart)

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

They Won't Run It

There was an (almost) mass shooting in a Washington state Wal-Mart the other day. I say "almost, because it didn't come off quite the way the shooter intended, because there was a legally-armed citizen there who shot him to death, ending his intended shooting spree. The liberal media might make a "lick and a promise" coverage of this incident, but that's all, because they want to promote the narrative that this never happens. The interesting thing is, the guy who killed this gunman wasn't violating the law, but he WAS violating the Wal-Mart policy that its property is a "gun-free zone." If he had dutifully left his gun at home, many more people would have been injured or killed by this shooter. Luckily, the citizen also ignored that "policy," and was able to save many lives. Wal-Mart is a dangerous place to go for that reason. I get my groceries from Wal-Mart, but I stay very alert when I'm on their property. I've lived a long time, and I don't want to die because of a stupid store policy. That's what it is, and it gets people killed, by keeping them DISARMED on their property. (Washington Post)

The IGNORANCE of Gun Control

Anti-gun fools react instantly whenever somebody, with or without a legal gun, shoots somebody. Especially a mass shooting, and really especially if it occurs in a school. They bring out all their "knee-jerk" actions that DISARM the law-abiding, and make them "easy targets" for the bad guys. Like the guy in the linked video who was innocently using an ATM when a man walked up and killed him. He was not armed, because of the anti-gun fools who automatically want to DISARM people when something like this happens. Did their laws protect him, or did they protect the guy who killed him? It is IMBECILIC to answer armed violence by disarming yourself. But imbeciles seem to be making a lot of our laws. Laws that get guys like this killed, How long are we going to allow this to happen before we "wise up" and tell those anti-gun fools to "go to hell" and arm ourselves so we can kill such as the guy who murdered this man? (Clash Daily)

Monday, June 18, 2018

Ho, Hum, Nothing New

Several political outfits have come together to propose "new" gun laws. The liberal media touts that, saying they have "come together to find new ways to stop gun violence!" One little problem: what they propose are the same tired, old, laws and regulations that didn't work the first time they tried them. Or the second, or the third. ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Those organizations include the American MEDICAL Association, the Police Executive Research Foundation (whatever THAT is), and the Conference of Mayors (USCM). The USCM said, "A constitutional right to bear arms doesn't exist," which is totally a LIE. They also said, "The Second Amendment is an Anachronism," which is also a LIE. The Constitution is still very much the very BASIS for ALL our laws, and the Second Amendment is as much in effect as ever. For them to say that as an organization of elected officials tells me a lot about how they think, and that scares the hell out of me. It tells me they think ONLY law enforcement, and government should have guns, so they can do just what they want, without opposition from the law-abiding. That these laws IGNORE the NON-law-abiding also disturbs me, because that tells me they want, besides the cops and government agents, the lawbreakers to be armed, while honest people should not. So we're defenseless, not only against criminals, but the government, as well. (NRA-ILA)

Ayatolla Wants Gun Control

In America. That's right, the Ayatolla Khamenei, in IRAN, wants gun control IN AMERICA, for AMERICANS. Where the hell he gets the idea he has anything to say about gun control in America is a mystery. They might have laws against gun ownership in Iran for their CITIZENS, but you can bet all their government agents have them. There is no such thing as the Second amendment in Iran, so the Ayatolla just doesn't understand ours. He thinks our government can just BAN guns, and they'll magically disappear. Forget there are MILLIONS of ILLEGAL guns in America, mostly owned by criminals, and Islamic terrorists (which he supports). But he knows that, and he can't pretend he doesn't. But he does. He hopes one day to come here and "take over," (he's stupid that way) and he wants as few guns in the hands of Americans as possible. Pretty much the same thinking as anti-gun fool politicians here. They want to come after our property sometime in the future, and THEY want as few guns in our hands as possible. (CNS)

Friday, June 15, 2018

A Definite Deterrent

A guy went into a Wal-Mart and tried to rob it, unsuccessfully. When he got outside, his car wouldn't start. So he decided to carjack another man in the parking lot, using a knife to threaten him. That didn't work, as the man pulled a gun on him. He ran away and decided to carjack a woman in a Starbucks drive-in line. So she pulled HER gun and ran him off--again. This just wasn't his day, I guess. He went into a local public restroom, where he was found and arrested some time later. If this kind of thing would happen to thieves more often, maybe they'd look for another way to "earn" a living. This guy was having a run of bad luck, and I guess he just gave up. The anti-gun fools reject the average citizen being armed as a solution to the "gun crime" problem, but this proves--again--that it IS a good deterrent. And the more it happens, the less thugs will want to victimize good people for fear of their own lives. And that can only be a GOOD thing. (The Blaze)

The Gun Control Dream

Gun control is just that. A dream. It's a dream that many stupid politicians have, and they impose it upon you while making you an "easy target" for lawbreakers, who break laws for a LIVING. They pass silly laws that lawbreakers routinely break. They're lawbreakers, after all. That has been proven conclusively in every major city with tight gun laws. Cities such as Chicago, where they have just about every silly gun law in existence in force, yet they still have some of the HIGHEST numbers of gun violence and gun murders in existence, anywhere. In Great Britain they have virtually BANNED guns. But they still maintain high levels of gun violence, coupled with KNIFE violence, which is fast becoming a major problem, to the extent that people will soon be required to REGISTER their cooking knives. Why no politicians take notice of that and act accordingly is one of the most appalling circumstances. Politicians are supposed to be intelligent. But no anti-gun politician IS intelligent. That's a given. If they were, they'd abandon gun control laws, which NEVER work, and go to work on a REAL solution. But alas, they never will. That takes intelligence, of which they have none. (Oath Keepers)

Thursday, June 14, 2018

End Run Around Congress

The anti-gun fools are at least intelligent enough to know they can't just BAN guns, as they have done elsewhere (as in Australia and Britain, which have no Second Amendment, and have "gun crime problems" anyway), so they're doing everything they can to inhibit gun ownership WITHOUT banning them, while they make them impossible to USE. They're trying to make people pass background checks to buy BULLETS. They're buying so much gun oil that the makers have stopped selling to the public, so they can fill government orders. Background checks take so long that people get killed while waiting to be "allowed" to buy a gun when somebody threatens them. They have raised the "fees" to just APPLY for permits and background checks to the point where most people can't pay them. And now credit providers are refusing to do business with people for anything having to do with a gun. Never mind that liberals SUE when a baker refuses to do business with somebody on religious grounds--in a country where people cannot be required to violate their religious principles. The double standard is obvious, but they don't care. They do it, anyway. (New York Post)

Gun Control Fallacy

The whole idea that making laws to ban ONLY the law-abiding (who are the only ones who OBEY laws) from buying guns is a fallacy. It's stupid. Yet far too many stupid politicians believe in it. They have to know that their laws don't work. That all they do is make a bad problem worse, by disarming the law-abiding, who aren't usually the problem, and making them "sitting ducks" for the LAWBREAKERS, who ARE. The lawbreakers break laws. That's why they're called lawBREAKERS. So they aren't going to even THINK about obeying a law that says they can't have a gun to use in committing their other crimes. Why these politicians can't get this through their thick skulls is a mystery to me. The only reason I can think of for politicians to disarm the law-abiding is that they plan on victimizing them themselves, and don't want to meet a gun in their hands when they do. So my suggestion is this: don't vote for ANY politician who has "gun control" on his agenda. He/she has an ulterior motive that's not good news for you. Get your guns ILLEGALLY if you have to, and fergawdsake don't let the government know you have them. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Trump Jr. In Trouble

He had the audacity to post a picture of himself on Instagram, wearing a belt buckle that actually includes a GUN! Horrors! That's jist orful! At least that's what liberals think. They want to eliminate ANY reference to guns from public knowledge. Like they didn't exist, at all. And to make it worse, it's the president's SON! Actually, I think he did it to MAKE the liberals' heads explode. He has to know that would "trigger" a liberal better than anything else--and all liberals NEED to be "triggered." Those fools still think eliminating legal guns will make "gun crime" go away. They're STUPID, that way. Nobody seems able to convince a liberal that the way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself. In one place, they're trying to ban the USE of certain "gun words" like "gun grips," "scopes," and "sights." They think that will do something to stop "gun crime." That's how STUPID they are. Their next move, of course, will be to tell Jr. he must APOLOGIZE for that picture. Fat chance of THAT ever happening. (Guns)

Gun Control By Proxy

They can't ban guns. It's in the Constitution. So they're doing all they can to make it impossible to USE the guns you're allowed to buy legally. Now they're targeting ammunition and, can you believe it, GUN OIL. They're making it impossible for anybody to make ammunition legally, and they're buying up every container of gun oil they can find. So much so that the only major producer of gun oil is having to TRIPLE their production, just to handle sales to the GOVERNMENT. And that necessitates them shutting down sales to anybody else (I think AmsOil is coming out with a synthetic with a gun oil)! Of course, you know what's going to happen. There is going to rise a BLACK MARKET in gun oil AND ammunition to match the already existing black market in guns. So soon the only way you'll be able to get a gun OR ammunition, OR gun oil will be to buy it in a back alley somewhere, out of the trunk of a criminal's car. The same way criminals get the guns they don't STEAL to use in victimizing the law-abiding, who OBEY gun laws, even if they don't like them. Even if none of them work as advertised. So if you want to be able to have the means to defend yourself against all the millions of guns in the hands of bad guys, you're going to have to become a criminal yourself, and buy one ILLEGALLY. And to be able to use it if a criminal tries to victimize you, you'll have to get your bullets and gun oil the same way. It's "gun control by proxy." And will soon make criminals of all of us. (Just common sense)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What Does Hogg Want?

Dumb butt anti-gun activist David Hogg made a speech before a bunch of mayors in Philadelphia the other day. Among other things, he said, “We can’t keep hosing the blood down our streets, repairing the shattered windows and bullet-riddled doors and burying our young because when we bury our young we bury our future,” Hogg said. “This has to change. This change can only happen with you.” He also marched in Boston's Gay Pride Parade, hitting all bases. But what did he accomplish? He promoted all the tired, old, INEFFECTIVE anti-gun laws that have NEVER done anything to stop, or even slow down "gun violence." Everything he is promoting is in effect in Chicago, yet they keep having to clean the blood off the streets and burying their young. He rejects the idea that self defense is NOT disarming yourself. He promotes what his "handlers" in the anti-gun movement tell him to promote. They've put a lot of money into keeping him before the media, and thus the whole country. But he has no real answers. He's all rhetoric and foul-mouthed threats. I'm convinced Hogg is having the time of his life, being treated like a "rock star" who is feted everywhere he goes, with somebody else paying the bills. With time, people will tire of him and he can go back to being a teenage fool trying to get out of doing his homework while "getting girls." Something I don't think he's having much trouble with, right now. (CBS Boston)

Why Cops Carry Guns

And why everybody should be able to do so also. They carry guns because they realize that criminals carry guns, and use them on the cops every day. So they want to be able to defend themselves. Okay, I'll buy that. But why aren't we allowed the same right to self defense that they enjoy? It galls me to hear about yet another anti-gun politician like Senator Feinstein tell me I can't have a gun to use in defending myself, because I might "go nuts" and use it on someone for a trivial reason while she goes around, surrounded by ARMED "security" and carrying her own gun, just in case they aren't enough to keep her safe. And she isn't the only anti-gun politician to go around with armed security. they all realize that they can be in danger by people who hate their policies, but they reject the idea that the average American might need the same protection, but can't afford to hire a bunch of armed thugs for defense. The answer is allowing them to carry their own gun so they can defend themselves. Why do they reject that idea? Because they can. They have the POWER to deny us the same level of self defense they have. So they exercise it. (Just common sense)

Monday, June 11, 2018

It's Not the Laws

It's the judges. Chicago's Police Commissioner scoffs at the anti-gun laws that are on the books, supposed to be the tightest in the nation. But laws are no good if you don't enforce them, He says that, for the first six months after a new law is passed, you will have a hard time finding a gun on the streets (which doesn't mean they aren't there, only that they're harder to find). Then, after a few months of the cops treating them like bargaining chips to get convictions in other crimes, and judges routinely reducing them to misdemeanors, the word goes out. Those laws don't mean anything, so you can bring your guns out again and kill more people. Maybe that's the secret of why Chicago, with some of the toughest gun laws in the country, is also the city with some of the highest "gun crime" numbers. Criminals will IGNORE laws if they aren't firmly enforced. Cops using them as bargaining chips is simply lax law enforcement. There are other ways to get convictions in other crimes. Judges routinely reducing them to misdemeanors is a crime, in itself. If this is happening in Chicago, it's happening in other cities. It's time to find out, and make some changes. (Washington Post)

"Just Make Stuff Up"

That's how the anti-gun fools "prove NRA wrong." The only problem is, they can't do it by making stuff up. Former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton tried it. His first point is that "gun laws stop crime." They do NOT. That is statistically PROVEN. Then he said the Second Amendment was not meant to excuse mass slaughter. In that, he's right. It was meant to AVOID mass slaughter by giving the law-abiding the right to have and use their own guns for self defense. He went on to say that more guns have not, and will not, make us safer. Again, that is DEMONSTRABLY wrong. More guns in the hands of the law-abiding HAVE, and DO make us safer, mostly by letting them kill lawbreakers. Then he said a majority of Americans WANT stronger anti-gun laws. That is an out and out LIE that is also demonstrably false. Next came the NRA. He said it was a big special interest organization with a "stranglehold" on the Republican Party. Actually, it represents the many millions of law-abiding citizens who want to be able to defend themselves against the LAWLESS, who use their ILLEGAL guns to victimize them. He cites no sources for his claims, because there are none. They are "made up" out of whole cloth. (AmmoLand)