Friday, August 31, 2018

Shoulda Hadda Gun

This is a story about how USELESS are anti-gun laws. Anti-gun fools tell us confidently that the police can protect us. Then police will be the first to tell you they can NOT. The best they can do most times is arrive AFTER the violence, clean up the scene and document it, and then get rid of the body or bodies. In this story, the murder victim was actually on the phone, talking to the cops when she was murdered. To their credit, they did capture the murderer, but they weren’t able to prevent the murder. Guns and knives are “verboten” in England, and so is murder. So this guy violated at least two laws when he killed this woman. But would he have been able to accomplish his “mission” if she had had a gun and the will to use it? Maybe. And maybe he would have been the one killed. So because of England’s laws against guns and knives, one more innocent person is dead, and a guilty one in prison. Will the anti-gun fools ever realize this, or admit it? Not a chance. They just aren’t intelligent enough. (Gun Free Zone)

Democrat for Mass Murder

Apparently Bobby Smith, a Kentucky politician, figures the best way to win political arguments is to hang all those who disagree with you. His party? Surprise, surprise! He’s a Dumocrat! He is stupid enough to come right out and say what all Dumocrats think, but won’t admit. He’s running for a judgeship, and is apparently supporting the lynching of all those he calls “good ol’ boys,” those who disagree with him. This is the kind of politician we need to permanently retire. Unfortunately most of them HIDE their tendencies toward mass murder for their opponents AND their wish to disarm ALL Americans. For what purpose, I’m not sure. I DO know what will result, however. Mass murder by the government. Hitler disarmed his people, then murdered MILLIONS, most of them Jewish, because he hated Jews. Stalin did it, then murdered his own millions. But he didn’t stick to one group. He murdered indiscriminately. How did they get away with it? Most law-abiding people didn’t have guns, because they disarmed them, as they are attempting to do, here. (Gun Free Zone)

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Banning Gun-Control Zones

It has always amazed me how the whole idea of “gun-free zones” has survived, over the years, when it is obvious to those with INTELLIGENCE that keeping the law-abiding from bringing their guns there, even if they have “carry permits” just gives the bad guys an assurance that most law-abiding gun owners will not bring their guns there, so they can kill as many people there with their ILLEGAL guns as they want, without opposition—until the cops FINALLY arrive, with their guns. Each and EVERY “mass shooting” has happened IN a “gun-free zone.” That is an unalterable fact, though anti-gun fools try and deny it. Criminals freely tell us they SEEK OUT “gun-free zones” in which to do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure there will be no one there who is armed, and able to oppose them. Logic says that gun-free zones are dangerous places to be, schools or otherwise, because of that. Even that musical concert that was sprayed with bullets in Las Vegas was a gun-free zone, even though the shooter only entered a DIFFERENT gun-free zone, in that hotel, from which he murdered hundreds of people. There’s a special place in hell for those who KNOW that gun-free zones are dangerous for the law-abiding and still keep creating them. The blood of all those souls who have been murdered IN a gun-free zone is on their hands. (KETV)

"World Renowned Gun Expert"

CNN interviews “world renowned gun expert,” teenage BS artist David Hogg. How did he get to be an expert? The anti-gun fools painted him that way because he happened to end up close to where some of his student friends were being killed by a mass shooter. He CLAIMS to have been right there, dodging bullets. But that’s doubtful. I think he just seized upon that to get his “fifteen minutes of fame.” Well, he got it. Bought and paid for by the anti-gun fools, so they could use a “bona-fide victim” as a spokesman. Never mind everything he says is wrong. He tried to shut down a television personality because she didn’t agree with him, and failed, miserably. So like most anti-gun fools, he tried it again. And failed again. So CNN thinks he is a good spokesman for the anti-gun fools. He is. He demonstrates well their stupidity. So Anderson Cooper was given the humiliating job of interviewing him for CNN, a known “fake news” purveyor. In one way I hate to use the article linked here because the author seems unable to write anything without using “gutter words.” So be warned. If they offend you, don’t read it. But if you’re adult enough to get past them, do read it. (Gun Free Zone)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"Our (Gun) Violence Down"

In Great Britain, they’re gloating because their “gun violence is down,” even though its level is three times higher than it should be, or ever was. What they don’t mention is that KNIFE violence is up, to an alarming level, so now they’re banning knives. In 1999, the number of violent acts per 100,000 people was at under 500. Then it rose to a level of over 1900 per 100,000 people in 2005. Now it’s down from that level to just under 1500. Which is “down,” but still way too high. Now they have stiff “knife laws” after knife violence rose tremendously in the absence of legal guns for the law-abiding. “So today, Great Britain has trapped itself in a vicious cycle of rising crime and intensifying repression.” – David B. Kopel and Vincent Harinam in Britain’s Failed Weapons-Control Laws Show Why the Second Amendment Matters. Of course, the anti-gun fools among England’s lawmakers will never realize this, or admit it. Like our ignorant politicians, they will go right on making their silly laws that don’t work any better than ours do, while many people suffer from them, being “easy targets” for those who IGNORE their silly laws. (Truth About Guns)

Issue of the Week

Recently it was “bump stocks.” Now it’s “3D printed guns.” Today’s issue is, as usual, all over the liberal media. The anti-gun fools wouldn’t know what to do with themselves without an “issue of the week.” At one time it was “gun-free zones.” Then they got a bunch of them authorized by gullible politicians and then moved on to something else. Like making people pass background checks to buy BULLETS. Or putting tiny numbers on all gun parts. Never mind that’s almost impossible to do, they make laws to REQUIRE it be done. They never listen to reason. Liberals have gone on record as saying logic and reason do not exist. That way, they do not have to USE logic, OR reason in what they do. If there’s no new gun issue to push, they do even stupider things, like gay marriage, or allowing MEN into women’s restrooms and changing rooms if they think they’re a girl that day. I think they have people gathered in “smoke filled rooms” all the time, thinking up more stupidity to impose on the rest of us. Oh. I forgot. They don’t like smoking, or smokers, That’s one of the issues from their past. So those rooms won’t be “smoke-filled.” Maybe polluted by their farts. I don’t know. Are they against flatulence? It’s hard to keep up with everything they’re against. Oh, yeah. They ARE against COW farts. (Washington Examiner)

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Anti-Gun Law Failure

The killer at the Jacksonville, Florida gamer gathering bought his guns LEGALLY, in spite of the fact that he had had previous “mental health issues.” He had been hospitalized TWICE because of his “mental issues.” He was on (or should have been on) anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications, according to the Associated Press. The killer bought his guns from a licensed dealer a month before the killings. Which means he PASSED a background check, in spite of his KNOWN mental issues. In his defense, his parents blame that on their “nasty divorce,” although killing people after losing in a tournament brings that into question. But the salient fact here is that he should NOT have passed that background check with that on his record. Not if we are expected to believe the anti-gun fool laws are effective. Cops say they “have yet to determine a motive,” although the motive is self-evident. He LOST, was mad, was a “mental case” with a gun, and he killed some people. That is evident to INTELLIGENT people, but not to the cops, apparently. Of course, the anti-gun fools blame the guns, rather than personal responsibility for his actions. Even though their laws didn’t stop him. (Fox News)

Unintended Consequences

Obama hates it, but he became the best gun salesman on the planet when he did his best to DISARM all Americans. Now lawmakers all over are trying to ban 3D printed guns, which will make them irresistible and promote more and more sales to people who otherwise might not even want one. That is the “unintended consequence” of all their efforts to make it impossible for law-abiding Americans to have the means for self defense. Bad for them, good for us. And they don’t even realize it. Anti-gun fools flail and flail around and try valiantly to disarm us—and largely, they fail. They blame the NRA. They blame various politicians for “doing nothing to protect Americans,” completely ignoring the fact that NONE of their vaunted anti-gun laws ever do ANYTHING to bring “gun violence” down. In fact, it INCREASES it, buy keeping the law-abiding, for the most part, disarmed, and unable to defend themselves, making things much easier for criminals and other bad guys to victimize us. Hitler disarmed the Germans, just before he MURDERED millions of them because they were Jewish. Stalin did it, too, and he murdered his own millions. If it ever happens here, you can EXPECT the government massacre to come. (Motherboard)

Monday, August 27, 2018

"Might" Shoot Students

Every argument of the anti-gun fools depends on a “MIGHT.” “Teachers MIGHT shoot students” if allowed to be armed. Or ANYBODY who is allowed to carry a gun “MIGHT” shoot somebody over a parking spot or a fender bender. Never mind people are doing that, now. In spite of their highly-touted gun laws that don’t work. They’re afraid of something that “MIGHT” never happen, but it sounds good to their ears. Thy have nothing else, so they push their IMAGINARY scenarios. Never mind there are already MILLIONS of illegal guns, already out there, in the hands of people who just want to victimize us, and they are the biggest supporters of gun control there are, because they know that reduces the chances of their intended victims being armed, and able to defend themselves. The anti-gun fools re very afraid LEGAL gun owners “might” go crazy and shoot up the landscape, while they are IGNORING all the ILLEGAL guns out there already. They really believe that if they can “get rid of all the legal guns,” that will stop all “gun crime. They are DELUDED. The only thing that WILL do something about gun crime is to allow the LAW-ABIDING to be armed, so they can defend themselves, and “thin the ranks” of ILLEGAL gun holders who try and victimize them. As they KILL those illegal gun holders who try to victimize them, there will naturally be fewer “gun crimes,” since there will be fewer criminals with illegal guns. That will work. What they propose will NOT. (Daily Wire)

Next: Plastic Box Cutters

The anti-gun fools are, as usual, thrashing around, doing the wrong thing. They’re so afraid somebody’s going to get something up on them, they focus on “the issue of the month,” which in this case is 3D printed plastic guns, completely ignoring everything else. While the bad guys concentrate on everything else. Whatever they ban, the bad guys come up with something else for them to ban next, And so on, and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Meanwhile, people die because the bad guys seem always to be one step ahead of their bans. They’ve banned “bump-stocks,” in many places, even though the bump stock has only been used in ONE mass shooting, and is so easy to make, it doesn’t even require anything beyond a garage workshop to make. Just wait until a terrorist does his work only with hand-to-hand combat tactics. Will the “authorities” ban the teaching of hand-to-hand combat techniques? Probably. And that will be just as futile, as the bad guys will figure out something else just as effective, and the fools will ban it, too. And so on. (NJ)

Friday, August 24, 2018

London Gun "Bloodbath"

In London, England, guns are literally nonexistent. (Not). Because the laws make them so. (Not). The anti-gun laws in England make it impossible (mostly) to get a gun legally, unless you’re a cop or other government employee (Of course, the government always reserves the things they prohibit for their citizens for themselves). Why then, were there TWO SHOOTINGS in London, in the same night? Two shooters, who could not get a gun legally, yet still had them, and used them. Yes, Chicago is much worse, but the point is, bad guys get their guns anyway, no matter how tight gun laws are. And those laws make everybody who OBEYS laws, “easy targets” for those who do NOT. Anti-gun fools in this country point to England as a “great anti-gun Mecca,” but it is not. Criminals and other bad guys get their guns as easily as in Chicago (which recently had 70 shootings in one weekend, and 12 people killed), or just use something else, like a knife. Knife crime has risen quickly after they effectively BANNED guns for other than government people. To the point where “knife crime” exceeds that of “gun crime.” Predictably. In a place where the cops are disarmed, many criminals don’t bother to get a gun, which is expensive, and just use knives, or other things, such as “coshes.” But that has NO EFFECT on CRIME, which proceeds apace, again predictably. (The Express)

Gun Control Doesn't Work

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, as many times as it takes for the fools who want to control access to guns for the law-abiding while ignoring it for the law BREAKERS to become intelligent enough to understand. IF they ever do. Gun control only makes it easier for lawbreakers to victimize the law-abiding. Criminals and other miscreants love gun control laws because they understand that those laws ONLY apply to the law-abiding, and they can “do their business” without fear (for the most part) that the law-abiding (who usually aren’t the problem) will not be armed, and able to defend against them. Criminals in prison have been asked about that, and, to a man, they have told us they love those laws, because it makes it easier for them. Why otherwise intelligent people just can’t understand this, and continue to insist on making more and more of those USELESS laws, is beyond me. These laws are forcing the usually law-abiding to become criminals, and get their guns ILLEGALLY, so as to have “parity” with those who obey NO LAWS, much less ones that say they cannot be armed while they commit their crimes. Chicago and Toronto, Canada, and other cities have very tight anti-gun laws, but still have very high “gun crime” stats. Why is that? I’ve already told you, above. (Just common sense)

Thursday, August 23, 2018

I'da Baked A Cake

Riddle me this: If banks and other corporate entities have the right to refuse to do business with anybody who is in favor of owning a gun or self defense, or who actually OWNS a gun, how is that different, in any way, from the bakers who refuse to do business with gays or Islamic terrorists? Gays who go into a bakery and DEMAND the baker bake a special cake, CELEBRATING their lifestyle, even when the baker is diametrically OPPOSED to their lifestyle on religious grounds can and have SUED those bakers into bankruptcy for refusing. Meanwhile, corporate entities GET AWAY with doing the same thing to anybody involved with guns, in any way. This is an excellent example of the double standard there is in our courts, SUPPORTING what liberals want, while STIFLING what non-liberals want. It’s illegal, but that’s how they operate, so long as they are CONTROLLED by liberals. They know they can’t do it by government action, so they hope to BANKRUPT the gun industry, and anybody who owns, or wants to own a gun. Thereby, they hope to stifle that constitutional right by going OUTSIDE of government action to gain their goals by nefarious means. (Bearing Arms)

Toronto Killer's Gun Illegal

After the mass killing in Toronto, Canada, “authorities” there are further limiting the purchase (for those who OBEY laws) of guns and ammunition. As if that would stop such fools from getting their guns and ammunition. All the laws on the books in “gun-grabbing Canada” didn’t stop this killer from doing his dirty work. So how do they figure making more LAWS will stop another one in the future when they just IGNORE their useless laws. Anti-gun fools are a simple minded lot. They really think laws will stop criminals and other kinds of thugs from getting the guns they use to victimize the law-abiding, who OBEY their stupid laws and thus are “easy targets” for those who DON’T. If they have no idea their silly laws don’t do a thing to stop criminals fro obtaining the guns they use to victimize those who DO obey laws, they’re just STUPID. So either they’re stupid, or they just don’t care. They just want the power to tell others “NO. You CAN’T have, or use a gun for self defense.” It’s not about gun control, it’s about CONTROL. Being able to force you to come, hat in hand, to a nameless, faceless bureaucrat and PLEAD for the “privilege” of buying and using a gun for self defense. The power to license is the power to set conditions, or to say “NO.” Each anti-gun laws made is an abridgment on our constitutional RIGHT to be armed for self defense, and should be so designated by the Supreme Court. (Bearing Arms)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Where Were the Cops?

Proving AGAIN that the cops can’t protect us from those who would abuse the use of guns, it took the cops 14 MINUTES to respond to this home invasion, while a woman and two children cowered on a rooftop, waiting to be murdered by an armed intruder. The Baltimore cops say at least one cop arrived on the scene within ONE MINUTE of receiving the call. Apparently, he “waited outside” for other cops to arrive, while this woman and her children cowered on the roof, for 14 MINUTES. That’s IF the “one minute claim” was true. We can’t find that out, because the cops will not release records to either prove, or deny the truth of that claim. Baltimore is where they wrongly indicted six cops in a case where the crook accidentally killed himself while trying to incriminate the cops. Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed, and they were found not guilty. But that shows that there is something very WRONG in Baltimore. Cops should take 14 minutes to respond to such a call, NEVER. For ANY reason. Under ANY circumstances. In any case, this again points up the NECESSITY for more people to be armed for self defense. (Fox Baltimore)

Armed Israeli Teachers

Word is, all teachers in Israel are armed, and one photo that has been circulated all over the world showing a woman with a rifle accompanying school children is presented to back that up. But it is not true. That woman was likely a security guard, and those children were not in school, but were on a “field trip.” In Israel, after terrorists attacked a school in Maalot in 1974, “Israel did not declare every school a gun-free zone. It passed a law mandating armed security in schools, provided weapons training to teachers and today runs frequent active shooter drills. There have been only two school shootings since then, and both have ended with teachers killing the terrorists. In Israel, ALL teachers are NOT armed, but it IS “allowed,” while at the same time, mandating armed security in all schools. Not necessarily UNIFORMED armed security, but armed security, nonetheless. And with SOME teachers being armed as well, their numbers of school shootings are amazingly low. The key is NOT declaring schools “gun-free zones,” but ALLOWING teachers and other staff to be armed. In Israel, one group, haredi Jews, who refuse to be armed, suffer regular terrorist attacks because of the likelihood that no one will be armed among them. Terrorists freely admit they are “targeted” for that reason. Israeli Arab areas, where guns are prohibited, are areas where there are LOADS of ILLEGAL guns, making what gun control they have USELESS. (Israel National News)

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tinsley's Got It Again

I’ve always loved “Mallard Fillmore” because he can encapsulate an entire political theory in one picture, as he has done for the anti-gun fool movement, here. In Denver, some years ago, the Denver Post editorial page editor removed Mallard from their pages, and I mounted an effort to get him back, which was successful, partly. He returned, but on the editorial page, not the comics pages. (Mallard Fillmore)

Blaming NRA "Inaction"

Country singer Eric Church (what does HE know?) blames the NRA “for their inaction on gun control.” Oh, RIGHT! What would he have them do? Forget that not a SINGLE anti-gun law now in effect has done a single thing to stop the “gun violence” that goes on, every day? Stop training people in RESPONSIBLE gun handling so they won’t accidentally shoot people? People like Church like to make pronouncements like this, but they don’t have any answers. If they did, they’d make them public. But all they can talk about is the FAILED laws that do nothing except make it easier for those who IGNORE anti-gun laws to victimize people who OBEY them. The NRA is the only “responsible party” in this. They support REAL solutions that the anti-gun fools reject, out of hand, in their ignorance. I wouldn’t believe there are so many people out there who are so STUPID if I didn’t see the evidence of it, every day, as the anti-gun fools go about, making their USELESS laws and braying about people who oppose their stupid laws. Places like Chicago, which has all their stupid laws in place, also have some of the highest “gun violence” numbers going. Why is that? Because their laws are USELESS, that’s why. Anti-gun fools hate it when we cite things like this because it is TRUE, and they can’t handle truth. (The Hill)

Monday, August 20, 2018

They Just Want Power

“Gun control” is just the vehicle. The excuse. For politicians who merely want the power to tell you than you CAN’T have, or use a gun for self defense. I’ve said a few times, they are “against self defense.” And that might be true, to an extent. But the real thing they’re after is the POWER to tell us we can’t have, or use a gun, for ANY reason. Look at all the silly laws they get passed. Each one of them tells us that. “Gun-free zones,” for instance, tell us we CAN’T bring a gun into that “zone,” while criminals and terrorists do so, at will, in spite of the law, which they IGNORE. Registering guns, and passing background checks create a situation where they can actually “give us permission” to buy a gun, at the discretion of some nameless, faceless bureaucrat. The ability to “license” is the ability to say “no.” And that’s what they’re after. The POWER to say “yes or no” when we wish to buy the means to self defense. Then let’s look at “safe storage laws.” Laws that, again, allow some nameless, faceless bureaucrat to approve or disapprove” what we do to safely store our guns, most of which make them USELESS to us for self defense, because the “bad guy” already has his ILLEGAL gun in his hand. They don’t want to take our guns away, they want to take the POWER to say whether or not we may OWN one. (Just common sense)

Run Hillary, Run!

There’s talk of Hillary Clinton running again for president in 2020. I LOVE it! She’s apparently a glutton for punishment, and I can think of nothing else worse than suffering a THIRD time this country telling her she’s not wanted. What she doesn’t know, or won’t admit to herself is that her candidacy is probably the best thing Trump could hope for in the next election. It will GUARANTEE him another win, this time in a landslide. Furthermore, all the dithering and hate-filled violence engaged in by the Dumocrats and their accomplices helps Republicans, even more. The more Dumocrats display their irrational hatred of Trump, the more they reveal themselves as “the swamp” Trump describes. So keep it up, fools! You’re going to guarantee Trump his next victory, and your demise. I hear about all manner of fools thinking they can unseat Trump by running for president, themselves. Eric Holder is one of the most recent. Fact is, not a single one of them has a snowball’s chance in hell. But you’ll never convince them of that, no more than you’ll ever convince the anti-gun fools that their laws NEVER work. (Newsweak)

Friday, August 17, 2018

Shanann Watts Murdered

No, it’s not our Shanann Watts, the anti-gun fool. It’s a different woman, married to a monster, who it seems was dissatisfied with his marriage and decided to end it by MURDERING this beautiful woman and her two beautiful daughters. This is not the kind of thing I usually write about, because such stories do not usually involve politics or philosophy. But this one does. When this monster murdered these people, he inadvertently also murdered the baby his wife was carrying. She was 15 weeks pregnant. Colorado does not recognize a fetus as being a live human being, so, although he will face murder charges in the deaths of the others, he will face NO kind of murder charges in the death of this baby. If anybody else had killed that baby, they would face charges, but not the father. Politics, AND philosophy. Abortion IS murder, and this IS abortion, inadvertent as it was. This fool tried to play the victim, going on TV and pleading for them to “come home,” although he well knew, at the time, they were dead, at his hands, in lieu of divorce. I can’t think of any motive for this monstrous crime except to break up the marriage without losing his fine home or being forced to pay child support. But he actually wound up losing that home, and his life as he knew it. Under these charges, he will never again see the sky without a set of bars between him and it. And if things go right, he will be executed. Hopefully sooner, rather than later. Maybe the other prisoners when he arrives in prison will take care of that. The murder of his wife and two small children certainly warrant the death penalty. (CBS News)

Actions And Consequences

The anti-gun fools think they can do everything they can to stop American citizens from being able to defend themselves without their actions coming back to bite them in the butt. The Vermont governor found otherwise recently after he signed some gun control actions into law. Then his “approval rating” took a dive. Anti-gun fools know they can’t just BAN guns. So they do everything they can to make those guns we do have as USELESS as possible. One of those is the “limited magazine” laws that are so popular among them now. They think limiting the number of bullets somebody has to fire before reloading will make things ll better. All it does is give the holder of an ILLEGAL gun another chance to kill a law-abiding person with a legal gun while he is reloading. The bad guy doesn’t have that problem because he IGNORES such laws. Another is the “gun-free zone.” Potential shooters know that the law-abiding (who are usually his victims) will mostly not be armed there, so he will be free to kill as many people s possible before the cops arrive with their guns. So they SEEK OUT those zones. They ADMIT it when asked. All this does is stifle our ability to defend ourselves against people who IGNORE laws that say they can’t be armed—and they are the ones who do all the damage. Not the law-abiding. (Bearing Arms)

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Armed Citizen Saves Cop

I just wrote an item about a convicted felon shooting someone to death, then later wounding three cops when they went to apprehend him. In it, I noted (again) that if ONE civilian had been there with his own gun and the proper training in using it, maybe that victim would not have to die. In this case, that’s exactly what happened. A simple traffic stop turned deadly as one man began beating the cop who stopped him and tried to get his gun. A passerby saw this and used his legally owned gun to shoot the attacker, saving that cop’s life. He will not be charged with a crime for shooting that would-be killer to save that cop’s life., Surprise, surprise! Had this armed civilian not been there, that cop may be dead, today. Since he was, and was willing to act, that cop will go home after his shift, and be welcomed by his wife. These things happen daily, but you rarely hear about them in the national news. That’s because the liberal news media, which seems to be in control of the news, refuses to cover such stories, because they don’t advance their anti-gun narrative. (ABC News)

Schumer's Stupid Warning

Chuckie Schumer has “warned folks” to “watch out for 3D printed guns,” completely ignoring the MILLIONS of real guns, already out there. This shows the typical stupidity shown by many politicians, who have no idea what goes on in the world, outside of their own personal interests. There is nothing new about unregistered guns in circulation, way before they invented 3D printing. Chuckie just THINKS that represents a “new threat” because of his limited knowledge. And this fool is responsible for the entire Dumocrat Party in the Senate. First of all, he does not understand guns—or anything else he PRETENDS to make laws for or against. He thinks a shotgun is a “rapid fire weapon.” Just like other anti-gun fools. He really believes that if we get rid of all LEGAL guns, crime will stop. He has no idea that if we do that, crime will go all out of control because there will be NO guns in the hands of the victims, making it easier for the bad guys to victimize them. He really believes that making a LAW against something actually stops people from doing it. (NY Post)

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Watch Out for the Kids!

When you’re choking and threatening to kill your girlfriend and everyone else in the house, watch out for the kids. Don’t discount their presence, and ability to change things, as these children did. This man, who was a felon and had MANY GUNS, often carrying one, was strangling his girlfriend and threatening to kill her and all her children, when the fifteen-year-old daughter was handed a gun by her younger brother, and used it to kill the guy before he could finish carrying out his threat. There are several things here that prove, again, that anti-gun laws don’t work. First, this guy was a felon and had SEVERAL guns, often even carrying one, in violation of MANY of the anti-gun laws. Second, it was a good thing there were that many guns in the house, because that is what led to his death, rather than hers, and that of all her children. Yes, a child using a gun would ordinarily be against the law too, but in this case, it was simple self defense, and no charges will be filed against this young girl. (WBTV)

The 2nd Is the Permit

That’s essentially what the Ninth Circuit has said. The NINTH! The most reversed liberal court in the land! The “last resort” for liberals who want unconstitutional laws declared constitutional! And they have now made a “landmark ruling guaranteed to make liberals’ heads EXPLODE! They are saying that every state or local law requiring a permit to exercise a constitutional right to carry a gun is unconstitutional. That you do not need to go, hat in hand, to a nameless, faceless bureaucrat and pay him MONEY to LET YOU exercise this constitutional right. You have the right to buy and USE a gun, and what’s more, CARRY it, concealed, or unconcealed, WITHOUT buying a permit. I will be interested to see how the liberals SQUIRM to make this ruling meaningless, as they do with as many as they can in their quest to get rid of ALL our constitutional rights. They just can’t conceive of a world in which Americans have rights—rights that they can’t violate, or get reversed. Frankly, I believe this is a result of the conservative move in the Supreme Court, and the justices in the Ninth are “taking note,” and changing many of their rulings to make their court less a liberal mecca. (Firearms Policy)

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Muslim Danger

Muslims know their “terrorist arm” can’t win in any war with America, so they’re working very hard to do it as politicians, from within. Muslims are running for political office all over the country, and several have already made it. Like the man who is the Number Two in the Dumocrat Party, and others who have quietly won elections, while other politicians cover for them by trying to make it ILLEGAL to criticize ANY Muslim, for ANYTHING. They even want to make laws that CRIMINALIZE criticism, true, or not. They call it “Islamaphobia,” and want to make it ILLEGAL to BE an “Islamaphobe.” Politicians cover up the atrocities committed by Muslims, all over the world. They have no idea how dangerous that is. As Jesus Christ is said to have said, “Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do. “Plans are afoot to make Muslims into an “endangered species,” and not subject to ANY criticism, no matter what (or who) they do. Many Muslims are KNOWN rapists, and claim they just can’t control themselves when they see how “Westerners” dress. And their rapes are routinely covered up by politicians. They are taught by their “religion” to KILL those who do not FOLLOW their “religion.” They are taught that, if they die in “defense” of their “religion,” they will get “rivers of honey and 74 virgins,” who will somehow REMAIN virgins AFTER sexual activity They are a “scourge on the Earth,” and should be BARRED from running for ANY office, lest they work to impose Sharia Law upon Americans, and the rest of the non-Islamic world. They will call me an Islamaphobe for this, but I don’t give a damn. If you think the Constitution will prevent this, look at how far anti-gun fools have come in their efforts to destroy the Second Amendment. (Clothesline)

Ignorance Personified

That’s David Hogg. A teenage fool who thinks he knows everything, and has found someone dumb enough to let him talk to a lot of people. Like most young fools, he thinks he is smarter than people who have had years of experience he has not lived long enough to have had. Now he’s saying that Trump will “cancel” the 2020 elections. Apparently, he never got to read the Constitution, even if he could understand what it says. Maybe he could get someone to read it to him. In any case, a president CANNOT just “cancel” an election in the United states and stay in office. That’s what “tin-pot dictators” do, and that’s not what President Trump is, even if Hogg’s liberal handlers tell him he can. He’s “wearing out his welcome,” even among anti-gun fool liberals. Everybody is getting tired of hearing this kid’s whining and moaning. If he didn’t have Twitter, nobody would even know he’s still around. And for my part, who cares? Yes, a stupid fool shot up his school and he CLAIMS to have been there. Even that is in question. Some say he was a mile away when he heard about it, and got on his bicycle and rode hard to get there, so he could PRETEND to be “a survivor” and bask in the admiration of his peers. Imagine his surprise when the anti-gun fools made him out to be a “rock star.” He has been making stupid statements, ever since. (The Blaze)

Monday, August 13, 2018

Gun Control Is Useless!

It is inarguable that gun control does NOT work. But anti-gun fools such as New York Governor Cuomo and California Senator Diane Feinstein continue to support it, while “demonizing” those of us with INTELLIGENCE who point this out. We have pointed it out countless times, and they IGNORE us, just like the bad guys ignore their laws, and continue to kill people. Like the 70 people who were shot and 12 of them killed in ONE WEEKEND in Chicago and the ten people shot in one shooting in Manchester, England, which, not having a Second amendment, has some of the toughest anti-gun laws in the world. Fortunately for the victims in Manchester, the shooters weren’t very good shots. While spraying a crowd with bullets, they didn’t manage to kill anybody (yet). Two CHILDREN were among the victims. If one looks at liberal-run cities in the U. S., almost ALL of them have similarly tough anti-gun laws in spite of the Second, and almost all of them have high gun crime rates. This signifies to me that there isn’t anything much more USELESS than laws preventing only the law-a biding from having guns with which to defend themselves against the holders of ILLEGAL guns when they come to victimize them. But the anti-gun fools, almost all of them liberals, ignore that and go right on making more USELESS anti-gun laws. We need to vote all such politicians out of office and stop electing new ones. (Breitbart)

Government "Blowing Smoke"

What does the government, at all levels do, when their “solutions” to problems predictably FAIL? Why, they “double down” on them, of course. In Broward County, Florida, law enforcement failed on many levels that could have prevented the mass shooting in that school. So the sheriff, whose officer was STATIONED at that school and cowered behind his car while the killer killed, blames the NRA and then trots out a new squad car design, asking the public if they like it. As a result of mass shootings, the government is adding yet ANOTHER database to the NICS system, saying they “needed more information.” Never mind that in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the killer passed a background check because the Air Force FAILED to add his felonies to their database. In Chicago, gun violence continues, unabated, in spite of all their tight gun laws. What’s their response? More of them. What this boils down to is INCOMPETENCE in government. They have no idea what to do, so they “blow smoke,” hoping we won’t notice. San Francisco, for instance, is banning plastic straws, hoping we won’t notice all the human sh-t in the streets. (San Francisco Chronicle)

Friday, August 10, 2018

They're Against Self Defense!

That’s the only reason I can think of as to why the anti-gun fools exist. They do not want Americans to be able to defend themselves against criminals and other “bad guys” like Islamic terrorists (who seem to be a “protected class” these days) and, one day, the anti-gun fools in government. They see a day when the government will come to take the property of all Americans, and they don’t want their thugs to be met with a gun when they do. It worked in Nazi Germany during WWII. Hitler disarmed all Germans, then began systematically MURDERING millions of Germans, who happened to be Jewish. Being an anti Semitic, he hated all Jews, and used his power to “get rid of” as many as he could. Stalin did it in Russia, and then began murdering millions of Russian citizens that he viewed as opposing communist rule. It’s as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning and going down at night. The government disarms its people, then MURDERS them. One of the most ubiquitous of their laws is the “gun-free zone,” telling all LEGAL gun owners not to bring their legally-owned guns there. The law-abiding obey and leave their guns at home. The lawbreakers IGNORE it and enter with their ILLEGAL (usually) guns and kill people, unimpeded, until the cops eventually show up with THEIR guns. (Just common sense)

Why Can't They Learn?

The anti-gun fools kill more people than they save. That’s an unalterable FACT. They make laws that, if followed, get people KILLED. The law-abiding obey them, and then are injured or killed by those who IGNORE them. These people have to know that, but they insist on making even more of them. Are they just STUPID, or what? Or are they just against self defense, and getting rid of legal guns accomplishes that goal. There are many good examples of this. For instance, history PROVES that waiting periods are stupid and USELESS in reducing gun violence. In fact, they INCREASE it by keeping those people who have been threatened by somebody who IGNORES their stupid laws DISARMED, thus making it easier for that fool to carry out his threat. One solution is to ignore those laws, as one woman did some years ago in Denver. She applied for a gun permit after she was threatened by an ex-boyfriend, and was told she had to wait, during the mandated “waiting period.” So she went out and bought a gun ILLEGALLY, becoming a criminal to stay alive. When the ex boyfriend came to kill her, she shot him to death. It’s better to be alive and in jail for a short time on gun charges than dead on a slab at the morgue. In Illinois, the governor just signed a bill into law EXTENDING waiting periods for all gun purchases, thereby exhibiting his STUPIDITY, proving that stupidity isn’t just among Dumocrats. (The Hill)

Thursday, August 9, 2018

"We Can Ban Anything"

As long as it isn’t a gun. So let’s ban GUN PARTS. And BULLETS. Things guns must have to be used, so as to make the guns people have USELESS, without banning guns, which are constitutionally protected. That’s what they say in Charleston, NC (No, not all that. Just that they can ban anything that is NOT a gun). I added the rest to make their scheme more clear. In this way, they figure they can “ban guns” without banning guns. They are now out in the open with their goals, and that is to BAN SELF DEFENSE by banning the means to that end. They’re doing everything they can to “get around” that constitutional protection for American’s right to be armed. But they’re wrong. They CANNOT ban gun parts because that would be an abridgment of that right, which is PROTECTED by the Constitution. Making it impossible to USE a legal gun IS an abridgment, although as long as liberals run the courts, that will not be recognized. Maybe when the makeup of the Supreme Court changes and stops being a liberal majority, that may change nationally. We can only hope “wiser heads” are successful in the future. (ABC News 4)

Absolute Fool Ideas

Liberals are responsible for most of them. Like letting MEN into women’s restrooms and changing rooms if hey think they’re women today. Or believing that CRIMINALS will somehow obey their anti-gun laws when they don’t obey any others. They’re CRIMINALS, after all. What is a criminal? Someone who breaks the law. Another damned fool idea they like is SOCIALISM. Socialism is BASED on the THEFT of the fruits of their labors by those capable and willing to EARN their own way, so they can GIVE that stolen to those who, for whatever reason do NOT earn their own way. One of those socialist ideas liberals are trying to impose on us today is the “universal basic income,” which, like socialism, is based on taking money from people who EARN it, and GIVING it, UNEARNED, to those who are not willing to earn it for themselves. They’re toying with that idea for real in Chicago, which is one of those ubiquitous liberal-run cities that is already in money trouble, along with their “gun crime” problem, caused by all their liberal anti-gun laws that DISARM all law-abiding citizens, making it easier for lawbreakers to victimize them. Liberals in the federal government have been talking, for years, about imposing “universal basic income” on us, but nobody has taken them seriously. Now the liberal fools running Chicago ARE. (Legal Insurretion)

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Junk Science on Guns

The “Violence Policy Center,” which has been caught “falsifying figures” before, has come out with a “study” that links licensed gun owners to a large number of gun killings. The truth? Licensed gun owners are 15 times LESS LIKELY to commit gun crimes. But that figure comes from a non-suspect source. That is according to the government, itself, which would have no reason to lie in favor of gun owners. VPC ignores 30 years of accumulated figures while “cherry picking” two states where those figures do happen to be higher than usual. This is a typical example of the fraud that is prevalent in the figures offered up by anti-gun fools. They have no figures to offer to support their position, so they give us FALSE figures. It must b e hard to be an anti-gun fool because there’s nothing REAL to support their position. Making a LAW does not stop the bad guys from getting their guns. They just IGNORE them. There is no reason to suppose a LAWBREAKER will OBEY a law that says they cannot be armed while committing their other crimes. The very PREMISE in their goal is WRONG. (Second Amendment Clergy)

Using Any Excuse

This guy’s SON made a comment abut his school’s security and that brought the cops to his home wanting to confiscate guns. They found no guns in his room, and then wanted to “confiscate” (steal) his father’s guns. Unfortunately, for them, his father had served three tours in Iraq and knew his rights. The cops had no warrant, and he told them to “screw off.” They did. The law under which they wanted to take his guns says the state may take guns away from those who are “a danger to themselves or others.” What is not said is just what the son said, so we don’t know what he said, and whether or not they are “stretching a point” to come to take his, AND his father’s guns away. Never mind his father is well trained in handling his guns—probably better than those cops. Needless to say, he “shut them down” easily—as can any citizen who stays up on his rights under the Constitution of the United States, which GUARANTEES their RIGHT to be armed for self defense. (Breitbart)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chicago Death Toll

Last weekend alone in Chicago, 12 people were KILLED and a total of 66 were shot. The mayor says they have reduced shooting stats 17%, and STILL their death toll is as high as it has been elsewhere in WAR ZONES. He can’t tell you the reason for such high shooting numbers, but he says “we’re working on it.” That’s “code” for we don’t have any idea of what to do. And they don’t. Every anti-gun law in existence (except those that have been found to be unconstitutional) is in effect there, but have not made a DENT in the number of gun crimes. Yes, the numbers are down slightly, but they are still way too high. They say SOME of the shootings come from gang activity, but I say MOST came from gang activity. Gang members don’t bother to obey gun laws. They mostly get their guns illegally, either by buying them from other criminals in a back alley somewhere, or just STEALING them. A FEW get them legally if they have no record—although very few of them don’t have records. The mayor says one of the problems is “we slap them on the wrist when we arrest them,” and he’s right. Gun violations are routinely “bargained away” to get convictions in other crimes—which is sloppy police work. There are other ways to solve crimes. If they’d stop doing that, they’d be surprised at how the gun crime numbers will drop as armed criminals figure out carrying a gun will get them longer prison terms. (ABC Eyewitness News)

The New Ku Klux Klan

Is “ Antifa,” the ubiquitous thugs who go about and ATTACK peaceful meetings of prayer groups and other groups whose purpose is not left-wing. And they do it while hiding behind masks, as the Dumocrat Party’s earlier creation, the Ku Klux Klan did back in the 1800s. Only this bunch is not only attacking black people. They attack people that Dumocrats aim them at. The Dumocrats, being the REAL racist political party, CREATED the KKK to attack, and even KILL those who believed in equal treatment for black people. They “went wild” and beat, burned out, and KILLED many black people, and even some white people who sided with the black people. The KKK has since been exposed, and membership has declined, So they needed a new group of thugs to assault and murder their opposition. Antifa hasn’t YET murdered anyone, to my knowledge, but the time is coming, as they continue to dog groups that oppose the Dumocrat racist purposes. They SAY they‘re “fighting Fascism, while using the same tactics as the original “brown shirts” in Germany used on their enemies. (Great American Republic)

Monday, August 6, 2018

"Attention Hogg" Not There

Teenager and attention hogg David Hogg isn’t interested, so he stays away. Him and his ARMED escort (paid for by whom?). Why isn’t he interested? Because finding out that the killer in Ft. Lauderdale was REFUSED HELP when he asked for it, long before he MURDERED a bunch of people is not in his interest. He asked for help in being returned to school, and was refused. This was found out in a heavily redacted report commissioned by the Broward County School District. Heavily redacted to cover up their mistakes, but the Sun-Sentinel got hold of an unredacted version which is what told the story. This is how they cover up their mistakes. Redact any and all “reports” that come out to keep important, damaging information from coming out. They don’t often fail to keep them redacted, but they did in this case. So David Hogg is not interested because it doesn’t fit the narrative given him by his “handlers” in the anti-gun fool “community.” (Great American Republic)

Surprise, Surprise!

Gallup had a poll about how Americans viewed the NRA and gun control and, wonder of wonders, they found out most Republicans viewed NRA favorably, while most Dumocrats viewed them unfavorably. (They needed a study to figure THAT out?) They also found that the “party gap” has QUADRUPLED since they began asking those questions in 1989. No kidding! Seems to me they just didn’t find as many people to ask their questions in 1989 and, as they continued to ask them, they got more answers, leading to the “quadrupling” number. Frankly, I believe just as many people had similar opinions in 1989, but were not found and asked those questions. The anti-gun fools would have you believe that a majority of Americans are in favor of gun control. In fact, that’s what they tell you, among their other lies—such as the one that says people do NOT effectively defend themselves if they’re allowed to have guns for self defense.

Fact is, it happens all the time. But the liberal media refuses to cover it nationally, such instances remaining a “local story,” so the national consciousness is not told about them. Gun control is not about controlling the use of guns. It is about CONTROL. The ability to tell you that you CAN’T have, or use a gun for self defense. Yes, they CAN put criminals in jail when they find them with their illegal guns—when they find them, and IF they actually ENFORCE the already existing laws against getting guns illegally—which they often do NOT. They use those laws as “throwaways,” often dropping them in return for convictions in other crimes. If they would actually ENFORCE them, there would be fewer and fewer illegal gun owners on the streets. They’d be in jail for longer periods. But they’d rather take the “easy route.” (Town Hall)