Monday, September 23, 2019

Again and Again!

I’ve repeated this over and over again, but the anti-gun fools are “tone deaf” to it. GUN CONTROL DOES NOT WORK! That’s a fact, not my opinion, and they have to know it. But they continue to pressure lawmakers everywhere into making more and more of those ineffective, unenforceable, STUPID laws to “control guns.” But they don’t control guns. Not even close. Instead, they make things worse by disarming the law-abiding, who are NOT the problem, while ignoring the law-breakers, who ARE the problem. Anti-gun laws only apply to the law-abiding, because they do obey laws, even stupid ones, while the law-breakers, true to form, do NOT. They will not address this. When I point out that anti-gun laws do not work, they just ignore me, or call me names. They never enter into a discussion about it, where they might have to actually face facts. This tells me they have a hidden agenda: total CONTROL over us.

The power to tell us what we may, and may not do. Gun control is just “the first step.” They know they, or their successors are going to “come for what is ours” sometime in the future, and they want to meet as few guns in the hands of their potential victims as possible. The first thing a wannabe dictator must do is disarm hi populace. Then he can do what he wants to them. Hitler knew that; Stalin knew it; Castro knew it, too. They all disarmed their people as soon as they took power. Then they went on to murder millions with little opposition. The article linked here talks about “internal squabbles” at the White House “delaying gun control legislation.” Why not? Today’s White House is run by people more intelligent than in past days, and they know those laws don’t work. (Bearing Arms)

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