Wednesday, September 11, 2019

NY Times Blames the Tool

The anti-gun fools blame the gun for all “gun crime” when they should be blaming the shooter. Then they try and eliminate guns from society, which will never happen. It’s like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Now the New York Times tries to blame the AIRPLANES for knocking down the Twin Towers 18 years ago when they should be blaming the Muslim terrorists. Not one gun ever shot somebody on purpose without somebody’s hand on the trigger, and not a single airplane crashed into a building without somebody’s hand on the throttle and the steering. Liberals seem unable to get what minds they still have after all the brainwashing they’ve suffered that it is NOT the inanimate object that does the damage, it is the PEOPLE. Without a person at the controls, or holding the gun, neither an airplane nor a gun can do anything. So why don’t they start finding ways to keep people from USING those tools to do the damage instead of trying to get rid of the inanimate objects? Next, the liberals will be trying to ban airplanes from the skies because those “airplanes” decided to commit suicide by flying onto the Twin Towers. They’re that stupid. (Town Hall)

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