Thursday, September 5, 2019

AOC Is Completely Stupid!

How she managed to get herself elected to Congress is a mystery with her abysmal intelligence level. She has yet again showed her stupidity with her comments about what happened to some friends of Dan Crenshaw (a war hero), who used one of his guns to fend off an attack the other day. She likens them to felons and wife-beaters without any kind of evidence of such. With universal background checks he would not have been able to have loaned a gun to a friend, and that friend might now be dead because of it. This bimbo pretends to have the “moral high ground” in criticizing a war hero who lost an eye to the enemy while protecting the very rights he exercised in loaning that gun, but she hasn’t the right to shine his shoes. She has nothing to recommend her as a lawmaker. Ex-bartenders don’t have to be very smart to learn how to mix drinks to make people drunk, so what qualifications had she to be a lawmaker? None. And she proves it every time she opens her yap, which seems to be every day. This demonstrates one weakness in our system. There is no intelligence test required for candidates to Congress, which is how we get such stupidity in the making of many of our laws. We need to send this bimbo back where she belongs, making drinks to get people drunk, so they can do stupid things. (Flag and Cross)

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