Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Taking A Victory Lap

That’s what “MOMS Against Guns (or something stupid like that) is doing. They actually held a meeting just to celebrate their “success” in conning WalMart into instituting an “open carry ban” for all their stores, thus putting all their customers in further danger, since the only people to bring their guns there will be the criminals, who will be pretty sure there will be no law-abiding people there who are armed. What these stupid people don’t realize is that criminals do not obey bans on bringing their guns into WalMart, or Target, or any other store run by similarly stupid people who believe criminals will obey their wishes. It’s the same thing with those fool lawmakers who make LAWS limiting gun ownership or creating “gun-free zones.” Gun-free zones are an “open invitation” to criminals to bring their guns and victimize the law-abiding, who will not be armed. I call these people stupid for a simple reason: they have to know their laws do not do anything to stop criminals from getting guns, and instead keep the law-abiding from having guns for self defense against those armed criminals. But they continue to make those stupid laws, while those laws get law-abiding people killed and injured. What drives these people is a mystery. (Fast Company)

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