Thursday, September 5, 2019

Damn, What Stupidity!

East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “knuckled under” to a bunch of stupid “activists,” and shut down their police department, firing all the cops. The politicians shut down the “cop shop,” leaving police duties to the State Police, whose nearest station is 30 miles away. That’s in response to a police shooting they tried valiantly to make into murder, but the court was smarter than that, and found the cops involved not guilty. The result? No police presence most of the time. One mother called the cops and waited AN HOUR for them to arrive. Of course, none of this reduced the need for a real police presence, not an occasional State Police patrol once in a while. The criminals were emboldened and, guess what? Crime increased, as the police presence disappeared. The shutting down of the police force was a short-sighted thing, and only added to their problems. And there is no telling how many people are going to die as a result. One can only hope they come to their senses and reopen the “cop shop.” Oh, by the way, those “activists” who got the police force fired are gone. They don’t live in East Pittsburgh. So they don’t care. (Truth About Guns)

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