Thursday, September 12, 2019

Always the Same Thing

Another day, another mass shooting. And repeat. And immediately following, politicians everywhere whine for more gun control. Knowing that gun control doesn’t work, and will not stop a single mass shooting. What’s WRONG with these people that they flail around and do the same useless things, that have never worked, and never will? Are they stupid? Or do they have an ulterior motive in disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for those who just IGNORE all their laws and shoot people, anyway. People “jump up and down” and DEMAND more and more anti-gun laws, knowing they don’t work, and legislators “knuckle under” and make even more of their useless, unenforceable laws. And more people die when the next mass killer ignores them, as he will, if he can’t get his gun legally. Until they stop targeting guns and start examining other solutions, the killings will continue, the demand for more anti-gun laws will continue, and the deaths will continue. That’s a given. Many people say there has been an increase in the number of mass killings in America, but that’s wrong. They haven’t increased in frequency, we’ve just begun to notice them more, while the liberal media plays them up to knock the politicians—if those politicians happen not to be Dumocrats. (Just common sense)

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