Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Surprise, Surprise!

A study has come out saying “assault weapon and magazine bans do NOT lower homicide rates. What a surprise that is to those with less than optimum intelligence. But not to those of us with a little more intelligence. Assault weapon and magazine bans go right over the head of the law breakers, who simply IGNORE such laws and go right on victimizing the law-abiding, who DO obey them. As with ALL the anti-gun fool laws, these bans do NOTHING to stop the law breakers from getting their guns. All they do is make the law-abiding people “easy targets” for the law breakers. The law-abiding are NOT the problem, while the lawbreakers ARE. But the people who make these useless, silly laws aren’t intelligent enough to understand that. The author if this study says that those laws don’t work to reduce the homicide rate because that kind of gun is only used in a very small number of homicides. Absolutely most such crimes are committed with handguns. The ownership of (legal) guns is NOT associated with an increase in homicides or suicides. This runs completely counter to the claims of the anti-gun fools that a gun in the house “puts the homeowner at a higher risk,” (Breitbart)

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